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Three swimmers are attacked by sharks off Florida beaches

Three swimmers are attacked by sharks off Florida beaches

Beachgoers on Florida's Gulf Coast have been advised to exercise caution after two separate shark attacks claimed the lives of three swimmers. A lady reported to have been bitten on Friday in Walton County, northwest Florida, and had to have a portion of her arm removed.

Two adolescent females were assaulted less than two hours later at a different beach four miles east when they were in waist-deep water with companions. Fire authorities said that one girl had "significant injuries to the upper leg and one hand" while the other had minor wounds to one foot. Authorities have been using boats to police the coastline, and several beaches were blocked before reopening on Saturday with purple flags indicating the presence of potentially hazardous aquatic creatures.

The first incident occurred on Friday at around 13:20 local time, when a 45-year-old lady was assaulted close to WaterSound Beach, according to the South Walton Fire District.

According to fire authorities, she was taken to a hospital after sustaining "critical injuries" to her hip and lower left arm. Fire chief Ryan Crawford subsequently told a press conference that half of her arm had to be amputated, according to CBS press, the US partner of the BBC.

The second incident, which targeted two 15-year-old females, occurred at Seacrest Beach about 14:55 local time, according to the fire service. South Walton Fire District issued a statement on X saying, "Please swim carefully, respect the Gulf, stay hydrated, and look out for your loved ones." A 14-foot (4.2-meter) hammerhead shark was seen by deputies during patrols on Santa Rosa Beach, according to the Walton County Sheriff's Office on X on Saturday. However, they emphasized that such sightings were "not uncommon."

"We want to reiterate that sharks are always on hand in the Gulf," they said.

"Swimmers and beachgoers should be cautious when swimming as well as stay informed of their surroundings." The International Shark Attack File maintained by the University of Florida estimates that there are between 70 and 100 shark attacks globally each year, with five fatalities.

According to the ISAF, there were 22 provoked shark attacks worldwide last year, compared to 69 unprovoked bites on humans. Requiem sharks, a family of sharks that prefers warm waters and includes species like bull sharks and blacktip sharks, account for most shark attacks in Florida.

The majority of attacks have place in nearshore waters, usually close to a sandbar where sharks may become caught at low tide and feed. This time of year, small fish migrate in schools close to the coast, which may have had a role in Friday's assaults, according to the Bay County Sheriff's Office. According to Walton County Sheriff Michael Adkinson, the assaults' mid-afternoon timing was also unusual, as CBS News reported.

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