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Word counter

Please put your text into the box below to use this online word counter. Then, sit back and watch as Word Count Checker counts the words in real time. Word Counter

Word Counter

Word count: 0

 The golden age OF ONLINE Words COUNTER Tools IS HERE!

We live in the age of word counts, whether you are a seasoned author or simply another Internet wanderer.

Whether you're conscious of it or not, you've been working with word limitations if you've been writing words, from social media character restrictions to long document requirements in business settings.

Twitter used to cap our characters to 140, but subsequently increased it to 280.

Facebook will not allow you to remark with more than 8,000 characters or to publish anything longer than 63,206 characters.

How about the 30 hashtag cap on Instagram? 

Also read :Word counter

The 2,200 character limit for your Instagram captions will even be halved at 125 characters.

To appear on Google's first page, your blog's content might need to be north of 1800 words.

See? The character count limitation age has arrived!

To avoid unintentionally having to change your word count back and forth to satisfy various criteria, you must always keep on topic and make sure that it stays within the parameters of these applicable platforms. You need an online text counter programme for it to happen.

However, counting the characters in social media posts is made wonderfully easier by utilising an online word calculator.


Also read :Word counter

You could decide to manually count the characters in your post if you're not sure why you should utilise an online word counter tool. 

You will notice that the word counting exercise is quite difficult, if not downright annoying, before you reach line #7. Who wants to waste time counting words in a long text when a word counter like ours can be used to complete the job quickly?


We created this character counter online to make it easier for you to count the characters in your written material. 

It is made to give exact results and give a rough idea of how long your material will be. However, this free text counter is more than simply a device for displaying the

However, this free text counter is more than simply a tool for displaying the amount of characters and words in your material. As you would discover, it is a highly sophisticated textual content analyzer.

This implies that regardless of whether you are a freelance writer, an online business owner, a student, a teacher, or just a social media enthusiast, you can rely on our word counter online tool to assist you with your content-related initiatives.

Also read :Word counter


Our free Word Checker application offers a simple and approachable user interface. It is simple to use yet sufficiently advanced to provide outstanding results.

Depending on how you access the character counter, you can also choose to upload files straight from your hard drive or mobile device. Additionally, there is the choice to upload files from Dropbox and Google Drive.


Of course, there are many word calculators available, but our count words online tool is far superior.

Beyond its simple appearance and ease of use, words counter is packed with capabilities that you won't find in other online text counters that compete with it.

It does more than merely count the words. Also, it performs the following:

Also read :Word counter

You may view "Basic Count Letter Statistics," which includes the number of words, characters with spaces, and characters without spaces.

The "Top Word Densities for 1, 2, and 3 words is displayed

It displays "Extra Count Letter Statistics," such as the total number of paragraphs, a typical word length, the average sentence length, the amount of sentences, and the number of unique words.

It displays "Length Statistics," such as the proportion of short and long words, the length of the longest phrase, etc.

With all these capabilities, SmallSEOTools' word counter is more than just your standard word counter; it's a complete, high-end textual content metrics analyzer. Oh, and you get everything for free.


We are different from other online letter counting programmes in that we never store a copy of your content on our servers after you use us.

When you utilise our online character counter or other SEO and content tools, WE DO NOT KEEP OR VIEW YOUR CONTENT.

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