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When and where may shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway gather in 2024 to watch live with Warren Buffett?

When and where may shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway gather in 2024 to watch live with Warren Buffett?

Berkshire will livestream its annual meeting movie, which was previously only available to those present in Omaha, for the first time.

On May 4, the corporation run by Warren Buffett will also release its first-quarter financial results.

May 4th is the day of the much expected Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting. On the same day, the firm run by Warren Buffett will also release its first-quarter financial results.

The event will only be shown on CNBC. India Standard Time (IST) is set to commence at 7:30 PM for the live broadcast on CNBC.com.

Every year, thousands of people go to Omaha to hear the renowned investor Warren Buffett speak. However, this year will be different since Charlie Munger, Buffett's friend and business partner, won't be there.

Munger, a 99-year-old former vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, died away in November of last year. Buffett and Munger will attend the Berkshire Hathaway AGM together for the first time without Munger.

Additionally, Berkshire will broadcast their annual meeting movie, which was previously exclusively available to attendees in Omaha. Many predict that this year's will be an emotional homage to Munger.

Ajit Jain, Vice Chairman of Insurance Operations, Greg Abel, Vice Chairman of Non-Insurance Operations, and Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire, will conduct a question-and-answer period prior to the Annual Shareholders Meeting. The session is scheduled to begin at approximately 9:15 AM CT or 7:45 PM IST.

In the afternoon session, Buffett's chosen replacement, Greg Abel, will take Munger's place and assist in responding to inquiries from shareholders. Buffett, the CEO, Abel, and Vice Chairman of Insurance Operations Ajit Jain will be present during the morning session. Buffett has said that on May 4, they anticipate answering between 40 and 60 queries.

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