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Jharkhand: The IMA has issued a warning to the Soren administration, stating that medical services will cease unless the Medical Protection Act is enforced

 Jharkhand: The IMA has issued a warning to the Soren administration, stating that medical services will cease unless the Medical Protection Act is enforced

Act on Medical Protection According to Dr. Arun Kumar Singh, president of the IMA Jharkhand, the state government's support for the Medical Protection Act was anticipated. In the assembly, the Medical Protection Act was introduced. But after a few obstacles, it was forwarded to the Select Committee. This has delayed the deployment of it. Regarding the Medical Protection Act, assurances are given one after another.

Ranchi: Around 200 physicians from around the state met at IMA Ranchi and threatened to cease all medical services if the government did not quickly put the Medical Protection Act into effect. At the IMA Bhavan on Sunday, IMA Jharkhand requested the state government to quickly make a decision about its many requests.

At the news conference, IMA Jharkhand President Dr. Arun Kumar Singh stated that the state government should cooperate with the Medical Protection Act. In the assembly, the Medical Protection Act was introduced. But after a few obstacles, it was forwarded to the Select Committee.

This has delayed the deployment of it. Regarding the Medical Protection Act, there have been assurances after assurances, and the community of physicians is being persecuted everywhere. Fighting and vandalism incidents occur often in hospitals. It appears that this action is not being carried out on purpose.

On this occasion, several physicians from various districts were present, including Drs. Mrityunjay Singh, Ajay Kumar Singh, Abhishek Ramdheen, and Pradeep Kumar Singh, the secretary and treasurer of the Jharkhand IMA.

even after making an appointment, doctors are not coming

Dr. Pradeep Singh, the secretary of the Jharkhand Medical Association, stated that while medical positions are established in the state, physicians still do not show up as anticipated.

However, a large number of doctors who were appointed or transferred to other areas are afraid to even consider joining. This is because it's crucial that the Medical Protection Act not be present in this situation.

There must be a Clinical Establishment Act

The Clinical Establishment Act must swiftly be put into effect in the state, the IMA stated in a demand to the administration. It needs to be made more useful.

Leaving large hospitals is now a concern, but tiny hospitals and clinics in outlying locations have a greater challenge. According to Dr. Pradeep Singh, the Deputy Commissioner currently holds the authority of civil surgeons. The surgeons should be trusted by the government. 

The physicians' displeasure was evident at the State Executive meeting. 200 physicians attended this meeting, which has 19 members, and voiced their unhappiness with the administration. In unison, the physicians declared that unless they had security, they cannot offer better medical treatment. Due to the doctors' unity, the IMA declared its support for all physicians, adding that rigorous decisions will now be made after considering the government's approach.

Let the eye doctors receive justice

Jhasa Jharkhand Secretary Dr. Thakur Mrityunjay Kumar Singh stated during the executive meeting of the Jhasa State IMA that the organisation is in a position to interact with the department and the government over its requests. There are recommendations about Form A that would ban five increments and 12 eye specialists.

In order to do this, the organization's representatives met with Minister Banna Gupta and explained their issues to him. The joint secretary has been instructed by the minister to revoke the directive. The Joint Secretary has pledged that they are working to ensure that these physicians receive justice.

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