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Chaibasa: The Naxalites' plot failed once more, as security personnel neutralised the IED found in Tonto's jungles

 Chaibasa: The Naxalites' plot failed once more, as security personnel neutralised the IED found in Tonto's jungles

The directed bomb (IED) intended to injure security troops was found in the woodland trail of the Tumbahaka and Patatrob villages under the severely naxal-affected Tonto police station of West Singhbhum district, thwarting the Naxalite conspiracy once more. The Naxalites placed this direction bomb on the difficult road in the east. The security officers used to move along this path while conducting the search.

Chaibasa: The direction bomb (IED) that had been put in the villages of Tumbahaka and Patatrob, which are in the severely naxal-affected Tonto police station in the West Singhbhum district of Jharkhand, has once again been used to thwart a naxalite conspiracy.

The Naxalites placed this direction bomb on the difficult road in the east. The security officers used to move along this path while conducting the search.

According to police reports, the villages of Tumbahaka and Patatrob have lately been home to the CRPF's Forward Operating Base.

On Friday, the security men were supposed to be transferred from these FOBs to Chaibasa. A different Chaibasa crew was supposed to be brought here, however. For the security forces' secure transportation, a road opening party (ROP) comprising jawans was organised.

IED was found after ROP

The security personnel were able to find the underground IED during the ROP. After then, it was also immediately deleted for security reasons. It should be noted that Misir Besra is camped out in the Kolhan forest with his team while holding a 1 crore reward.

To find him, the police and CRPF are working together across the whole region. In some locations, IEDs, spike holes, and booby traps have been placed on the highways in an effort to hurt the security forces during the operation.

14 people have perished thus far

Due to their hold, almost 14 people have perished. Injuries to several jawans have also occurred. The Naxalites have started murdering locals in this area on the pretext that they are police informers in an effort to undercut the Naxal operation.

The massacre of four people in four days in the Tonto and Goilkera regions by the Naxalites has spread their terror to the other communities. Many teenagers are avoiding the villages because of the fear.

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