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Why October 17 is the day the new BJP government in Haryana will take office: The significance of the date politically

Numerous measures, such as renaming universities in honor of Maharishi Valmiki, celebrating Valmiki Jayanti, and launching welfare programs, assisted the BJP in regaining some of the OBC and Dalit votes it had previously lost in the Lok Sabha elections.

On October 17, which is also known as Valmiki Jayanti, the newly elected BJP administration in Haryana will assume office as a message to the Dalits. In honor of the Ramayana's creator, the Haryana government has declared October 17 to be a public holiday.

The Valmiki religious community celebrates Valmiki Jayanti as "Pargat Diwas." It falls on October 17 this year, while the exact day changes depending on the lunar calendar. Despite winning just five of the ten Lok Sabha seats in this year's parliamentary elections, the BJP made history by winning a record third consecutive term in the most recent state elections. 

This was mainly because the party managed to shift some Dalit-OBC votes that had gone to the Congress in the Lok Sabha elections, as well as keep its ground in Jat land, an area which the Congress was previously predicted to sweep.

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