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This weather is unusual—for the first time, the mercury is close to zero, surprising even experts—and people are becoming sick

This weather is unusual—for the first time, the mercury is close to zero, surprising even experts—and people are becoming sick

This weather is unusual—for the first time, the mercury is close to zero, surprising even experts—and people are becoming sick
This weather is unusual—for the first time, the mercury is close to zero, surprising even experts—and people are becoming sick

Here in the south, a popular destination, the temperature has dropped to about zero for the first time. Concerns about the changing climate even astonish professionals. People in the area are becoming sick because of the weather.

Climate Change: Extreme weather now occurring in parts of North India

The temperature is dropping. In the lowlands, a heavy fog has obscured the sun. In the steep regions, the snowfall has been delayed. Each year, the globe as a whole as well as the nation are greatly impacted by climate change. The phenomena of climate change in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiris is meteorologists' latest worry. People are suffering from extreme cold as a result of the dip in temperature in this mountainous terrain, which is unique for visitors. This has an impact on both agriculture and tourism. There is frost on the verdant grass here. Dense fog has also made visibility difficult. The decreasing temperatures are making locals sick. People have reported fever, headaches, and breathing difficulties.

This mountainous district's temperature has reportedly dropped to almost zero, according to meteorologists. The locals claim that this level of cold is rare for the region. People were seen sitting close to bonfires in various locations, attempting to stay warm. The Botanical Garden recorded a high temperature of two degrees Celsius, and a minimum temperature of one degree Celsius, according to official data that is currently available for Kanthal and Dhalaikuntha in Tamil Nadu's Udhagamandalam district.

Why is it becoming chilly outside of the season?

Concerns over the 'unseasonal' cold that is expected to hit the Nilgiri highlands are shared by locals and environmental organizations. According to V Shivadas of Nilgiri Environment Social Trust (NEST), the El Nino effect and global warming are to blame for this development.

He said, "This type of climate change is a big challenge for Nilgiris. The onset of cold has been delayed." There should be more research done on this. This area's extensive tea gardens are also having difficulties. The tea estates have been affected by December's heavy rains and the ensuing cold, according to R Sukumaran, secretary of the local tea workers' union. has an impact.

detrimental impact on vegetable and tea growing

He was concerned that the output of tea and vegetables in the next months would be impacted by this unusually cold weather. Farmers that cultivate vegetables claim that the weather has had a particular impact on cabbage. A government employee named N Ravichandran said that it was hard to leave home early for work because of the cold.

individuals becoming ill

While warm garments and bonfires are becoming popular ways for people to stay warm, one major issue is visibility while operating a car. Individuals are also dealing with health-related issues. Numerous individuals have reported experiencing symptoms such as breathing difficulties, intense headaches, and fever.

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