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Jeff Bezos claims that he and Elon Musk have "like-minded" views and that he would enjoy becoming buddies

 Jeff Bezos claims that he and Elon Musk have "like-minded" views and that he would enjoy becoming buddies

Jeff Bezos claims that he and Elon Musk have "like-minded" views and that he would enjoy becoming buddies
Jeff Bezos claims that he and Elon Musk have "like-minded" views and that he would enjoy becoming buddies

Two of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, are titans of the IT sector and manage space exploration businesses. Bezos commended Musk as a strong leader in a podcast interview, pointing to the accomplishments of SpaceX and Tesla. In spite of their ambition- and competition-fueled antagonism, they have come to terms with one another.

The two wealthiest persons in the world are Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. They have many things in common, apart from billions of wealth. Though they both own space exploration businesses and have extensive experience in the IT sector, what type of equation do they have in common? When questioned about Musk in a podcast conversation with Lex Friedman, Bezos responded in like. Bezos said, "Well, I don't really know Elon very well."

"I am aware of their public persona, but I also understand that it is difficult to know someone just by their public persona. will not work, despite the fact that you may believe you do.

A 'knowledgeable' boss

Bezos gave Musk high marks. Based on the outcomes, he seems to be a highly competent leader. You can't have Tesla and SpaceX if you're not a strong leader. It's not conceivable," he said.

In the podcast, Friedman expressed to Bezos his desire that "a friendship that will inspire all of humanity" will arise from two billion individuals getting together. "I agree with you and I think we are very like-minded on many of these efforts," Bezos stated in response to this comment. Thus, although I wouldn't say we're similar, I believe the concept appeals to us much.

Motivated by ambition and enmity, the Bezos-Musk rivalry has been smoldering for years. The space race is set off, with Bezos's Blue Origin contesting SpaceX's hegemony. Musk mocked Bezos' spacecraft and called him a "copycat" in an attempt to disparage him. Bezos almost reluctantly thanked SpaceX for reaching the milestone while responding with a hint of sarcasm. Their battle went beyond space to the terrestrial domain. Musk advocates dismantling Amazon's retail behemoth

Bezos charged Musk of obtaining unjust profits via the use of government subsidies.

In spite of their disagreements, Bezos and Musk have both commended one another's accomplishments and agreed that expanding space exploration for the sake of mankind is the ultimate objective.

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