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World Tribal Day: CM Soren attended in the tribal celebration and emphasised the need for everyone to work together to struggle and advance

 World Tribal Day: CM Soren attended in the tribal celebration and emphasised the need for everyone to work together to struggle and advance

The tribals are being urged to fight together and advance by Chief Minister Hemant Soren. He spoke candidly about many topics on Wednesday as he opened the Tribal Festival here. The Chief Minister claimed that the tribal society's primary identity has been its conflict with dance music. In other parts of the country, our indigenous relatives must endure harassment.

Hemant Soren, the chief minister of Jharkhand, has urged the tribal people to fight together and advance. He spoke candidly about many topics on Wednesday as he opened the Tribal Festival here.

The Chief Minister stated that the tribal society's fight with dance and music has served as its primary identity. In other parts of the country, our indigenous relatives must endure harassment.

They are compelled to struggle for survival. What about Manipur, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and the rest of India? In Manipur, hundreds of people have died, thousands of homes have been destroyed by fire, and women's dignity has been violated.

It's time to struggle and advance as a team

Actually, this is only a continuation of a conflict that has existed for ages. The forces of dominance and the forces of equality and brotherhood are at war.

between the proponents of "live and let live" liberalism and religious fanatics. It is time for the nation's more than 13 crore tribal brothers and sisters to get together, struggle, and develop on this World Tribal Day.

All of the Gond, Munda, Bhil, Kuki, Meena, Santhal, Asur, Oraon, and Chero, among others, must think together. The nation's tribal society is dispersed.

We share a one culture, yet we are split based on caste, religion, and area. The society should be one if the blood is one. The same should apply to our objectives. Since our issues are essentially the same, so should be our conflict.

displaced population

According to the Chief Minister, tribal community is suffering from relocation in practically all areas. No proper measures have ever been taken to lessen the suffering of the tribal community, regardless of whichever administration is at the centre or in the state.

How inhumane is our system, which never even attempted to locate the displaced individuals in order to construct mines, dams, or factories? These people include 80% tribals. Millions of people have been alienated from their heritage, language, and culture.

The farmer of yesterday must now sell coal on a bicycle. They have been made to work as slaves in brick kilns, raise families or wash dishes in large cities.

They attempted to destroy us

According to the Chief Minister, little information on tribal culture and lifestyle was known before the year 1800 AD.

We were only taken into account as the commencement of the revolution's chain when writing about us first began. They made an effort to separate us into separate halves. whereas the tribal society has been making a noticeable presence known throughout history.

Your cultural heritage is crucial

Isn't it terrible that today's policy makers are not prepared to embrace the same diversity because the many languages, cultures, and religions that created us tribals gave rise to that variety? remarked the chief minister.

Our tribal culture, our language, and our land are all very significant to us. Mountains, rivers, and woods were all preserved by our ancestors.

The programme was attended by Chief Secretary Sukhdev Singh, MLAs Vinod Singh, Jai Mangal Singh, and Rajesh Kachhap, as well as Minister Champai Soren of the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, and Backward Classes Welfare Department.

Ajay Kumar Singh, Director General of Police, Rajeev Arun Ekka, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Vandana Dadel, and Secretary to Chief Minister Vinay Kumar Choubey were among the dignitaries present.

A festival represents unity

Shibu Soren, the chairman of the State Coordination Committee and former chief minister, remarked during the event that all of the tribal people in the nation have a common culture.

The tribe members are asked to teach their kids in such a case. Only once the children have an education will the tribal society be able to advance.

The tribe's event is being observed with fervour. This celebration shows the tribal community's togetherness and interdependence.

The next generation must be inspired to maintain a similar level of ties to their culture and civilisation.

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