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Modern businesses are choosing digital business cards more than traditional business

 Modern businesses are choosing digital business cards more than traditional business

In today's tech-savvy and modern world having a digital business card ensures that you are one step ahead in this fiercely competitive market.

Whether meeting a potential customer for the first time or meeting at a networking event, you want to make sure that your brand is memorable and solid. That's where digital business cards come in handy

Although traditional business cards have served our needs for many years, we now live in a time where everything has gone digital, making digital business cards an important product of the highest advancement of the 21st century. Mobile phones, palm pilots, iPads and laptops are driving the need for modern business cards – ones that are interactive, attractive and can be shared digitally with anyone and anywhere.

Whether meeting a potential customer for the first time or meeting at a networking event, you want to make sure that your brand is memorable and solid. That's where digital business cards come in handy.

It's simply an electronic business card that lets you share your contact information and more in the form of a QR code, URL or email signature.

Today, more and more businesses are adopting digital business cards especially among the younger generation and modern businesses to communicate seamlessly. In today's tech-savvy and modern world having a digital business card ensures that you are one step ahead in this fiercely competitive market.

Since they are durable and an eco-friendly alternative to paper-based business cards, modern businesses are increasingly adopting this digital tool and benefiting immensely from them.

How does this work?

Sustainability is important for many businesses, and the demand for more eco-friendly and organic products and services is increasing day by day. Modern businesses have embraced the latest technological innovations to drive sustainability at the center. Digital business cards help create a first impression for a sustainable-focused business with its customers in the most unique way possible. It also gives you valuable insights about the impact they have on users through tracking and analytics features.

A reputable digital business card solution will help you take the first step towards sustainability and personalization with a URL-based or QR code digital business card. The solution will provide you with separate fields to enter all the required information, and once it's ready to deploy, you can use it as a URL to share with people, via mail. As an e-business card, or as a QR business. card. Users can scan or click URLs, instantly access your information, and save them with just one tap.

How to make digital business card?

You can create a digital business card and share it with your customers and colleagues in a matter of minutes. People associate digital tools with learning to some extent. But working with all digital solutions doesn't have to be complicated. Choose a solution that is easy to use, such as Digital Business Card Maker from BeaconStack that lets you create customized QR business cards with zero learning curve.

Unlike traditional business cards, there are no restrictions on how much information your digital business card can contain. You can also sign up for a free trial to understand the usefulness of the solution. Once you're signed in, most solutions will let you choose from pre-built templates, and some may even allow you to create your own custom template. You can then add the information you want to share through your business card in the relevant fields. You can include:

• Name and job title

• Company name and logo

• contact number

• E mail ID

• Social Media Profile Link

• Official website link

• A short video or picture

• Clear-cut CTA (call-to-action)

Once all the information is added, you can save it and start using it. Moreover, you can easily track engagement through the platform and understand how many views you got, from where, etc.


Digital business cards are a step forward for modern businesses. It's only a matter of time until they become as widespread as traditional business cards if they aren't already.

Be sure to evaluate all the best digital business card solutions before deciding to get the best possible digital experience.

They are durable and an excellent approach to creating a strong, long lasting impression. No one can ever forget your business name, lose your contact details, or accidentally provide incorrect information.

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