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PM Modi criticizes Oppn, saying "They were badly defeated despite telling lies."

PM Modi criticizes Oppn, saying "They were badly defeated despite telling lies."

In his statement expressing gratitude, Prime Minister Modi said, "We have worked on the basis of the mantra – Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas – for the past ten years."

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a vicious assault on the opposition in the legislature, saying, "I understand the pain of some. The people of the country have elected us in the biggest election." They were brutally beaten even though they were lying all the while. We said throughout the campaign that we would not tolerate any corruption, and we were right when we won in 2014. I'm happy to report that our zero-tolerance policy against corruption has made the average individual who suffered from it happy.

He said, "We have worked on the basis of the mantra – Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas," in reference to the government's efforts during the last ten years. We are dedicated to upholding the Sarva Panth Sama Bhava constitutional ideal. The nation has traditionally experienced appeasement politics. The nation has experienced real secularism—santushtikaran, or the saturation of all policies to the last individual—for the first time. The true meaning of secularism and social justice is saturation. And the public has approved of it with their stamp. This nation was destroyed by appeasement. We thus adhered to the maxim "justice for all, appeasement for none." The public has backed us and given us another opportunity to serve 140 crore Indians after seeing our efforts for ten years.

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