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Readying a "plan" to avert conflict with Russia, according to Zelensky

Readying a "plan" to avert conflict with Russia, according to Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, recently said that he was creating a detailed plan outlining Kyiv's preferred course of action for ending the conflict with Russia.

Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, said on Friday that he was creating a "comprehensive plan" outlining Kyiv's vision for the conclusion of the conflict with Russia.

The conditions of a future peace deal seem to be as different as ever between Russia and Ukraine, according to public remarks made by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Zelensky. There are no active public negotiations between the two countries.

In an effort to garner support for Ukraine's stance, Zelensky organized a significant international gathering in Switzerland earlier this month, to which Russia was not invited.

"It is very important for us to show a plan to end this conflict that will be supported by nearly every nation of the world," Zelensky said on Friday.

He said, "This is the diplomatic route we are working on," with President Natasa Pirc Musar of Slovenia, during a news conference in Kyiv.

Leaders and high-ranking officials from over 90 nations traveled to Switzerland for the two-day summit with Zelensky.

Most of whom signed a final communiqué emphasizing the need of respecting Ukraine's "territorial integrity" in any solution.

However, several important attendees—like India—did not agree, while others—like China, an ally of Russia—boycotted the summit in protest at Moscow's exclusion.

Peace negotiations cannot begin until Russia removes its forces from its internationally recognized territory, which includes the Crimean peninsula that Moscow seized in 2014. This is a demand made repeatedly by Ukraine.

Putin, who began the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, is meantime pressing Ukraine to essentially submit by fleeing even more of its east and south.

Zelensky said in Brussels on Thursday that he will provide a "detailed plan" within a few months.

He pointed to the huge number of military and civilian casualties and added, "We don't have too much time."

Russia's forces are supposedly in control of yet another minor front-line settlement on Friday as they gradually make their way forward in combat.

As of 2022, they claimed to have conquered four additional areas, none of which they entirely controlled, and they presently hold around 5% of Ukraine.

Ukraine needs military and financial support from the West to drive back Russian soldiers who have been occupying the country for more than two years, but its forces are outnumbered, outgunned, and worn over.

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