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Twelve Essential Things To Know About Operating An Uber in Nigeria

We had a Radar AMA session on Friday with Gbenro Ogundipe, an Uber partner and driver from Abuja. All the inquiries from people curious about what it's like to drive an Uber in Nigeria were answered with some clever commentary. It was enjoyable for us, them, and Gbenro. You may see the whole topic for the details, but I believe you should read this post through to the end first.

1. 75% of the fee is kept by the drivers

Drivers get 75% of the fee, with 25% going to Uber, according to Gbenro. That may be overthinking things, but that is the reality.

2. Weekly payments are paid

Uber pays every week on Monday at 4 a.m., when the business week ends. You will get a report on Tuesday that details your weekly actions and outstanding balances. Paydays are Thursdays, which is when your bank will send out the credit alert.

Regarding cash rides, you simply act as a cash collector and must give your matching Partner the money you have collected. Uber never requests money. You should not be concerned about owing Uber since it is quite rare. Instead, they deduct their cut from any card purchases you may have accumulated over the week.

3. A couple's weekly income might reach N100,000.

You may earn between N40,000 and N100,000 every week as a partner if you are also a partner. If you have the time to drive yourself and you utilize your own vehicle, Gbenro believes this number may be higher.

4. It's critical to design your company such that it can function without rewards.

According to Gbenro, you need to develop a model that is independent of incentives if you want to be successful in this industry. Uber has some fantastic incentives (you can earn a bonus of N40,000 for every Partner or Driver you introduce after 20 rides, for example), but if that's all you pursue, you may as well be operating a pyramid scam.

5. Having a nice, fuel-efficient automobile is also important.

This one should go without saying. If you want to avoid spending all of your money on gas, you should choose a fuel-efficient automobile since you will be traveling about a lot. Gbenro suggests the Kia Rio, Toyota Corolla, or Hyundai Accent. "[They] are some of the best Uber X cars," he said.

6....and scheduling your insurance

Uber is not picky about the insurance company, even though full insurance is required for all automobiles. Getting insurance that protects you in the case of an accident is crucial. Gbenro advises you to work with a broker who can get you the most affordable insurance quotes.

7. You are able to travel up to 100 times per week.

According to Gbenro, some 100 or 120 journeys are made each week for an average of N800. Keep in mind that these are statistics from Abuja, so there may be fewer trips and higher rates in Lagos due to the worsening traffic and roads.

8. The weekly cost of fuel might reach N35,000.

You should be prepared to spend some money on gas because you'll be driving a lot. Gbenro estimates that refueling a Toyota Camry costs between N25,000 and N35,000 per week. Naturally, the kind of automobile, engine size, and number of journeys all affect these factors.

You have six months to pay for a N2 million automobile.

Some individuals purchase automobiles just for the purpose of using Uber. If you're considering doing this, Gbenro claims you may recoup your investment (for a N2 million automobile) in either six months or eighteen months, depending on whether you'll be driving or hiring a driver.

In Nigeria, almost half of all rides are paid for using cash.

This figure is not shocking since few Nigerians feel comfortable sharing their credit card information online. Gbenro advises you to keep a lot of change on hand in order to provide the greatest customer experience. You definitely don't want a rider to think less of you because they have to give you their change.

11. Malls and hotels are excellent locations to look for rides.

Hotels and shopping centers accounted for 28.1% and 26.1% of trips, respectively, according to Uber's most popular destinations in Lagos, which was just released. Gbenro concurs, stating that he receives a request as soon as he reaches certain zones.

12. Strange things will eventually occur.


Okay, it makes sense. This is inevitable since there will be a variety of strangers in the vehicle with you. For Gbenro, it's being approached by young women or having a man mope all the way because his girlfriend knew too much about Gbenro.

The weirdest thing, in his perspective, is that young women are always approaching him. In fact, one demanded to see the ring, to know how long I had been married, and other things. asked me a number of personal questions, including whether I had any unmarried siblings. She ultimately gave me her resume and took a Church IV.

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