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PM Modi on THE world rankings 2025: "It's great to see the country's universities making strides on global stage

PM Modi on THE world rankings 2025: "It's great to see the country's universities making strides on global stage

Timeshighered's Chief Global Affairs Officer, Phil Baty, has provided information about Indian universities' inclusion in global university rankings. 133 Indian colleges have submitted to the 2025 rankings this year, according to his report.

India's educational system has advanced dramatically over time. India's universities performed well in the THE global university rankings, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. According to data provided by Timeshighered's Chief Global Affairs Officer, Phil Baty, 133 Indian universities—up from 42 in 2017—have applied to the 2025 rankings this year. India is now the fourth most well-represented nation in the globe.

He shared information on Indian colleges' inclusion in the global university rankings via a tweet. "India's growing standing in the @timeshighered global rankings is remarkable, propelled by @narendamodi's internationalization reforms," he said. India now ranks fourth in the globe with a record 133 Indian colleges having applied for the 2025 rankings, up from 42 in 2017.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi commented, "Great to see India's universities making progress on the global stage!" in response to his tweet, which was previously known as X. Positive outcomes are emerging from our dedication to high-quality instruction. We'll keep funding our academic institutions and provide chances for development and creativity. Our kids will tremendously benefit from this.

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