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ICICI Bank: With the use of SmartLock, clients of ICICI Bank may now lock or unlock Internet Banking, UPI, and other payment methods

ICICI Bank: With the use of SmartLock, clients of ICICI Bank may now lock or unlock Internet Banking, UPI, and other payment methods

ICICI Bank: ICICI Bank has provided its clients with a large facility. Clients may now quickly lock and unlock additional payment methods, such as UPI and Internet Banking.

ICICI Bank: When we misplace our wallet or phone, we often run into problems. In fact, we begin to worry that our bank account information may end up in the wrong hands. ICICI Bank has now provided its clients with a sizable capacity to address this issue. Customers will now be able to quickly lock and unlock their credit card, debit card, UPI, and Internet banking, according to the information.

Not required to call the helpline:

In actuality, ICICI Bank claims that it has introduced a SmartLock function for its clientele. Customers will be able to lock and unlock their financial information at any time using this. Let us also tell you that in order to lock or unlock their account, clients will no longer need to call the bank's hotline.

Customers may conveniently manage their services, including Internet Banking, UPI, credit card, and debit card, using the iMobile Pay app.

Many services will be available to you while you're at home, including:

Per the information provided, clients may access several ICICI Bank services from the comfort of their own homes by using the Smart Lock function. Before, it was necessary to notify the bank's helpline in the event of a card loss or other questionable behavior, which required time. However, now that Smart Lock is involved, this task will be completed in a matter of seconds. In addition, users have the option to end their iMobile Pay session whenever necessary.

In response, Siddharth Mishra, ICICI Bank's Digital Head, said, "We have launched Smart Lock because we value our customers' account security." Customers will have more influence and be empowered to make their own choices thanks to this service.

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