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Bokaro police are worried about reports of gunfire

An inquiry into the rumored fire at the Sector 12 police station area's Nehru Co-operative Colony showed that a worker had been beaten up.

Bokaro. On Monday, there were rumors of a fire at the Sector 12 police station area's Nehru Co-operative Colony. Police from Sector 12 police station and City DSP Alok Ranjan went on guard. Despite raiding the whole community, no evidence of fire was discovered. The firing was not verified by anybody. Additionally, no proof was discovered. Upon conducting an inquiry, the City DSP discovered that land mafias had physically assaulted workmen on Colonel Ajay Kumar's piece of Nehru Co-operative property in order to halt the development. When DSP Ranjan arrived on the scene to conduct an investigation, he announced that the CCTV cameras erected around the area were being examined. Nobody has verified termination as of yet. The attack issue is now public knowledge. Regarding the situation, the cops are tactful. The FIR registration procedure has commenced. Colonel Ajay Kumar claims that the laborers were physically assaulted for abandoning the plan. Based on the occurrence seen in the CCTV film, the miscreants will be identified.

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