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A national blackout has affected Ecuador, a minister claims

According to a top government official, there has been a statewide blackout in Ecuador that has left almost 18 million people without power.

Roberto Luque, the minister of public works, attributed the power outage on a transmission line failure.

On Wednesday in the middle of the afternoon, the traffic lights in the capital city of Quito went out and the metro system came to a complete stop.

The authorities said that they are focusing all of their efforts on finding a swift solution to the issue.

The acting energy minister, Mr. Luque, wrote on X, "There's no electricity nationwide due to a failure in the transmission line that caused a chain of disconnections."

Mayor Pabel Muñoz of Quito said on X that "the incident must have been major due to the fact that it even knocked out power to the metro, which has a completely separate system."

Services were suspended "due to a general failure of the national interconnected electrical energy system," according to Quito Metro.

Due to a drought in April, the government was compelled to declare a number of scheduled blackouts that left large cities without electricity for extended periods of time.

The majority of the nation's energy comes from Colombia, a neighbor

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