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$10M is secured by HRtech Carv

Carv wants to maximize communication between recruiters and applicants by removing administrative duties from the recruiting process.

Based in Amsterdam Since the introduction of its recruiting platform in March, Carv has collected $10 million to relieve recruiters of administrative duties. Carv hopes to use the Seed money to accelerate its development and extend the platform's functionality into other areas of the hiring process.

According to industry research, administrative activities take up 20% to 40% of a recruiter's daily workload. Carv wants to free up recruiters to concentrate on the prospects they engage with by automating these procedures.

Global Founders Capital (GFC) and a number of independent angel investors that have previously supported startups including Slack, Miro, and Revolut are among the investors. Prior to this, the original team created the industry-leading digital recruiting technology company Harver.

"We often discuss the potential applications of AI in hiring in general terms. "We make it tangible with Carv," said co-founder Barend Raaff. "A first step towards the reality of integrated AI is enabling recruiters to assign Carv the duties they shouldn't waste their time on. One that yields immediate advantages while also providing the opportunity for a later, comprehensive reassessment of the employment procedure.

"All phases of the employment process will be impacted by AI in the coming years. Striking a balance between people and AI is crucial in a process that values human interaction, such as hiring. Our goal with Carv is to bring about a situation where recruiters and AI work together as best they can. where everyone tackles the jobs they are best at and supports one another while doing so.

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