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How to Make Digital Products Available Online taplink

How to Make Digital Products Available Online taplink

Income from intangibles may be rather substantial. Learn how to sell virtual and digital goods, as well as how to steadily boost sales, by reading this tutorial.

Where to offer your electronic goods for sale

Selecting a location for your digital goods sales is the first step towards starting a business. It is possible to sell:

inside the marketplace.

on the webpage you control.

on social media platforms.

While each platform offers benefits specific to selling digital goods, building your own website provides the most advantages of all. Additionally, the advantages of a website vary depending on the web builder you choose.

In order to sell digital goods, we advise building a website using Taplink.

 Here are some elements of this web builder that are exclusive to making sales websites:

Not a commission. There are no commission fees associated with the selling of digital goods via Taplink. The majority of e-commerce platforms, on the other hand, charge commission, which may reach 15% or more.

You have the power to set pricing. You choose the pricing if you offer digital goods on your Taplink website. However, if you sell on a platform, that platform has the authority to alter or restrict your pricing.

choices for providers. With Taplink, you may integrate more than 50 payment systems. Any of these will allow you to receive payment directly into your account without the need for a middleman. There are both national and international payment systems among the suppliers (such PayPal, Stripe, and Square). Social networks often forbid receiving money at all, and e-commerce platforms don't provide any alternatives.

shopping with only one click. When someone visits your taplink website and wants to buy anything, they just tap a button to complete the transaction. You also make money. When a visitor must initially add a product to the shopping basket on e-commerce sites, up to 92% of them leave it empty. Additionally, visitors to your profile on social networks must wait for your answer. They won't need your virtual product by the time they get it.

discount coupons. You may build up your own personalized automatic promo codes on Taplink if you are a digital goods seller. Additionally, social media networks do not provide any automated promo codes, and e-commerce platforms do not permit the creation of unique promo codes.

personalized style. The appearance of your Taplink website is customizable. Additionally, product pages on social media networks and e-commerce platforms are always the same for all merchants.

not in competition. The only items on your Taplink website are digital ones. Additionally, e-commerce sites constantly display your items alongside those of your rivals. Customers may quickly go to a competitor's product, in which case their money becomes your money instead of theirs.

How does Taplink's digital goods shop operate?

Let's start by seeing an example of a Taplink-built website. The shop's home page is located on the left, while a unique digital product page is located on the right:

To buy a virtual product, a customer visits the product website and follows these steps:

Click or tap the Buy button.

Complete the essential information, including the email box.

Press the Pay button.

After deciding on a payment option, purchase the item.

That concludes the transaction. The vendor receives payment, and the buyer has access to the files.

Although the payment processor could charge commission, Taplink does not.

The consumer may open the files on the product page now that they have access to them. The client may get to the page via:

Email. The user gets an email with a link to the product page after making a purchase (Screenshot 1).

A my.taplink.cc account. The user creates their own account automatically, and they get an email with their login credentials. Screenshot 2 displays the things that the user has bought from every vendor on Taplink sites.

To access the file, the user has to press it on the product page (Screenshot 3).

Usually a standard deal mechanism. Now let's dive into the specifics of setting up a Taplink website so you may sell digital goods.

Establish a website to market digital goods.

Adding more material to Taplink templates speeds up the website creation process. Here are detailed instructions for utilizing a template to create a website for selling digital things. Additionally, Taplink provides the option to create a website from scratch.

Establish a website to market digital goods.

Make sure to register first.

Following your registration, a page with templates will appear. Choose one of them:

Select the tab for the Lite Website.

Choose a classification.

Choose a model.

Press Select.

You have more information on your webpage; we will revisit this topic at a later time. Currently, we are introducing digital items and setting up payment acceptance. See all of this information below.

Allow for Payment Acceptance

Selling digital goods requires consumers to have a means of accepting the payment, therefore this should be considered. You may establish connections with payment processors like Square, PayPal, Paddle, and others via Taplink.

To sell virtual goods online, follow these steps to get in touch with a provider:

1. Press and hold the three dots.

02. Select Settings.

03. Proceed to Accept Payment.

4. Select "Add payment provider."

05. Choose a supplier.

Additional options vary according on the supplier you choose. See the tutorial's answers if you have any queries about adding a provider.

Include any digital goods you provide.

It is now time to include your digital items for sale:

Select Add block.

Choose a digital item.

You then include premium digital goods.

Include a fresh digital offering

Include a new digital product with some basic details about it:

1. Click "Add product."

02. On the device, tap Add and choose the product picture. If you'd like, add additional pictures similar to this.

03. Name the product specifically.

4. Give the pricing as of right now.

05. Indicate the price comparison if you'd like. Beside the present price, there will be a cross-out price for this.

06. Modify the section name by default, if you'd like. To add a custom name, tap Default name.

Provide Files for Digital Products

Provide links and upload files that consumers may access upon payment:

1. Click + Add a file.

02. Choose Add Link or Upload File.

03. Assign a name to the file.

4. To attach files, either tap Drop files, choose files to upload, or enter the URL to add a link.

05. Click "Add file."

Add more files if desired. For this, follow the instructions again.

whole product configuration

Your digital product is almost ready for your website to sell; at this point, you should:

Include a description of the product.

Altering the wording of the purchase button is optional.

Click "Save changes."

That's great that your sales website has a digital product.

If needed, add additional of your digital items to this block. We now offer two more goods. The website of one of the additional items, where we provide a PDF guide for sale, is seen in the screenshot.

Your home page on your website may have its digital product display customized. Select a layout choice by going to the Design tab:

We opted against altering the arrangement.

After you've added and modified the look of every digital product you offer, choose Save Changes.

Digital goods are no longer available. After making a few minor changes to the newly added template material, you must publish your website.

Use your taplink for promotional purposes.

Your taplink serves as both a storefront for your digital items and a showcase for your brand. Provide all the information on the website that buyers need to decide what to buy:

Brand Synopsis. For instance, tell customers about your brand and its advantages and worth.

generic query. The same concerns and uncertainties prevent customers from completing a transaction every time. When you respond to inquiries and allay concerns, the buyer will become convinced that they want to buy.

Reviews. Positive customer experiences serve as a strong justification for a purchase. Incorporate testimonials from your current clientele to draw in new business.

lead magnet. Give consumers a free trial of your digital product in return for their contact information. In this manner, you may launch a newsletter and people will comprehend the worth of your offering.

If you built your site using a template, a lot of the listings are already on it. Now, modify the new text, images, videos, and so on to fit your brand, or eliminate those that are superfluous. Go here to learn how to update and create landing pages.

You can see how our site's main page appears after altering in the image below. The website offers information about the Julia Moore brand in addition to digital items.

To see the whole page, click the link.

Publicize your digital goods on the website

All you have to do to sell digital things on your website is get the following link:

Visit the page dedicated to publication.

Put in the portion with the unique URL. For instance, provide the name of the digital product you offer or your brand.

Press Connect.

You now have a website. That's all. You may now concentrate on marketing to increase the sales of your digital goods.

Take the initiative to market your digital goods.

You may now offer digital things if you have a website. We'll explain methods to boost sales below.

advantages of social media

Every day, millions of people use social media applications, and some of them undoubtedly need your product. Inform them that you provide the digital goods they require:

Put a link to your website in your bio. In this manner, you make it simple for customers to get the details they want regarding your goods and make a purchase.

Write a post promoting your digital product. Provide a summary of the advantages of the digital download you are offering in order to persuade them that they need it. Posts, articles, etc. may list them.

Include hashtags in your postings. Subsequently, not just your followers but also those who aren't familiar with you yet may read your postings.

Work along with bloggers. You introduce yourself to their fans in this way. To reach people who are interested in your goods, choose bloggers within your field. Select blogs that have comparable clientele to yours; they are more likely to consent to working together.

Get Email Marketing Started

Start distributing automated emails to promote your digital goods:

current client. Following their purchase of your goods, consumers send you emails. Give them the option to buy an additional virtual product or an addition to the one they have bought. For instance, provide clients who bought a beginner's course with an intermediate course.

possible clients. Use a lead magnet to get interested individuals to provide you their emails. Include an opt-in form on your website and ask visitors to enter their email address to get a free checklist, video instruction, or other resource. Send out mailings with discount coupons, product advantages, etc.

View the list of emails that users of your website submit in the integrated CRM from Taplink. Additionally, you may get CRM instructions here.

launch a marketing initiative

Start a marketing effort to sell digital goods in large quantities. Your devoted clientele won't pass up the chance to get necessities at discounted costs. Eventually, one of your prospective clients will choose to test your offering.

The following Taplink functionalities are available for promoting your website via ads:

An individualized section for the electronic goods. To highlight a digital product that is currently on sale, add a block to the page

A countdown mechanism. Draw attention to the proposal's chronological coherence.

Opt-in form. Allow preorders or provide discounts in exchange for newsletter subscriptions.

Here's an illustration of how it may appear:

Which digital goods need to be offered for sale? Six successful concepts

We've got you covered in this part if you haven't even decided which digital items you want to sell yet. To begin with, consider what you can provide consumers with:

superior in quality. To make valuable and beneficial digital goods, you need to possess sufficient knowledge and abilities

in high demand. Customers should be interested in and in need of your goods. Verify if comparable goods are doing well on the market. Another place to look into demand is Google Trends.

A digital product can only be profitable if it is in great demand and of excellent quality. If not, sales will be minimal.

If you're still at a loss for inspiration, choose one from the list below.

Pictures and Videos

Using cameras, sketching programs, or even AI art generators, you may produce digital goods to market. Here's how to make graphic and visual items such as:

Videos and images from stock sources.

digital artwork.


Put a sign.


PNG entities.


plus a whole deal more.

For designers and artists who want to sell digital goods, Taplink offers website templates. You may view samples of website pages made with these templates in the image below:

stock images. See the whole page. See and download templates to make websites that are similar. First screen grab

footage from stock. See the whole page. See and download templates to make websites that are similar. Second screen grab.

audio and melodies

If you like working with audio and are proficient in the field, consider producing and marketing digital goods such as:

on course.

samples of music.

Sound effects.



Music companies may find website designs on Taplink. Take a look at the screenshot below, for instance. It shows a website page selling digital files that was created using a template. View the whole page by clicking this link.


Some completed tasks are templates. Moreover, you may charge others to do tasks for you. You may, for instance, market digital goods such as:

Create Templates.

Formatting of Documents.



as well as other digital assets.

To build a website where you may sell virtual goods like these, Taplink offers themes. View the sample page for this template-created website below:

Knitting and sewing patterns

If you can knit or sew, your digital product choice is patterns. Make calculations and plans, then trade them in for cash.

Taplink offers website layouts for those who sell digital items for knitting or sewing. Consider the Taplink website, which was created using this template. To see the whole page, tap the link.


You can surely offer your valuable expertise for a fee. Make a course that explains the fundamentals for novices and another that goes into more detail for experienced users, or something else, and educate people how to learn digital goods. Offer both.

Examine your areas of expertise. The following are some instances of abilities you may market as digital goods:

artistic visuals.


alien tongue.


and much more! Study the suggested curricula for every topic.

For each kind of digital product you sell, Taplink offers website layouts. View an example of a website page made using one of the templates in the screenshot below. View the whole page by clicking this link.

Plans, Checklists, and Guides

You may also make money off of your expertise and experience. You are not need to explain anything when using guides, plans, or checklists; all you have to do is outline the precise actions that lead to a desired outcome.

You may, for instance, market digital goods such as:

exercise regimen or diet.

Obtain advice about how to go to a certain nation.


Product Launch Checklist.

With the help of Taplink's many theme templates, you can easily create a website and market any kind of digital goods you may have. You can see an example of a website page made using the template to promote a training program in the screenshot below. To see the whole page, click the link.

In summary

You are now unquestionably prepared to begin selling digital goods. You understand what to offer and how to close a lot of deals. Using Taplink, create a website and add your digital assets to it.

The following actions may help you market the digital goods you offer:

Connect the website of your store to your social media accounts.

Include an offer in an email.

Run advertising efforts on a regular basis.

Your first million is just around the corner!

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