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Six Ways to Use Facebook to Your Advantage in Marketing

Six Ways to Use Facebook to Your Advantage in Marketing

Recently, Facebook has made headlines, but not for a significant reason. The data from Cambridge Analytica is unsettling. Russian manipulation of election advertising. A comprehensive analysis of Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook seems to be encountering several obstacles, resulting in a decline in user confidence. "Should you still bother marketing on Facebook in light of recent events?" is a question that many marketers are worrying about.

Yes, in a nutshell.

Facebook continues to rule the social media landscape. First off, your consumers are more likely to stick around on the site since it leads in monthly active users. On the platform, there are more than 2 billion monthly active users (yep, with a B). With over 500 million users, YouTube is the only platform with a higher number.

Above all, however, is its excellent marketing return on investment. Facebook came in second, although the gap between the two was not that great—in fact, LinkedIn trailed Facebook by just roughly 55%. It has continuously scored first for mobile marketing ROI and was named "the most important social media platform for marketers around the world."

Facebook affects the way that customers make purchases. Research indicates that social media marketing affects consumers' awareness (55%), consideration (71%), and post-purchase (66%), choices when assessing and learning about a product or service.

However, Facebook marketing may be challenging. Since it launched in 2004, the social networking platform has seen significant transformation. Therefore, it is critical for marketers to comprehend Facebook's capabilities in order to use the platform to drive sales for their companies. We'll go over six distinct strategies in this piece for using the platform to expand your company.

Make Over Your Facebook Business Page

Regularly publish unique stuff.

Add product tags to your images.

Promote, Support, and Interact with Customer Feedback

Launch a campaign on Facebook

Utilize the insights on your Facebook page.

Recommended Reading: Top Facebook Plugins for WordPress to Strengthen Your Social Media Approach.

1. Make Your Facebook Business Page More Effective

You must give setting up your Facebook Company Page top priority if you haven't previously. Your business page will serve as a hub for posting content, interacting with followers, and even running advertisements. It's critical to understand that your personal profile and your company's fan page are not the same.

Creating a Company Page

Click here to begin creating your Company Page, then choose "Business."

Facebook will next pose a series of inquiries on your industry, location of your company's headquarters, and other details. This is essential information that will show up in the "About" section of your Facebook profile.

Since your consumers will probably view this information for the first time, you should make sure it is always correct and current.

Include crisp pictures

You must upload two important photographs to your website before you can begin advertising it. These serve as both your cover photo and your profile image. When someone visits your page, searches for it, or hovers over it in Facebook's News Feed, these photos will always appear. As a result, you need to make sure the pictures are sharp and properly framed.

Your company's emblem will probably appear in your profile picture, while your cover photo may include another image associated with your business, such as a collage of your clients, merchandise, or other items.

The following measurements are accurate:

The profile picture that appears on your page will have a resolution of 170 x 170 pixels on desktops, 128 x 128 pixels on smartphones, and 36 x 36 pixels on the majority of feature phones. We advise 480 x 480 pixels for TVs with greater resolutions.

The cover picture will appear on PCs as 820 pixels by 312 pixels, and on smartphones as 640 pixels by 360 pixels. It need to be 150 pixels height and 400 pixels wide at the very least. Alternatively, you might use 1640 x 624 pixels if you are experiencing any problems with quality on higher resolution devices.

Canva, an online photo editing tool, may assist you in creating a cover picture of superior quality. Alternatively, you may use programs like Affinity Designer, Sketch, or Adobe Photoshop. Furthermore, a plethora of size templates are available if you want assistance in ensuring that your design makes the most of the area within the frame.

Zapier's cover photo imaginatively illustrates what the company does, while its profile image is a high-quality version of its logo.

Under Armour's cover photo has an influencer and their "Will Finds a Way" campaign, while their profile image features their logo.

To illustrate their consumers utilizing their goods in various settings, Blue Apron went one step further and put a video in their cover picture. A Facebook cover video must have the following dimensions: 820 x 312. The video should also last anything from 20 to 90 seconds.

Personalizing your webpage

Following the page's debut and completion of the necessary material, you can use a number of strategies to improve its visibility and increase its number of views. Here are a few recommendations:

Enhance your page using keywords. It's crucial to keep in mind that "your page name matches the title tag and your short description works as the meta description tag." For this reason, make sure that the focus keyword appears in both your page name and description, and that they correctly convey the content of your page.

Give your page a call-to-action button. You may add a call-to-action button to your Page on Facebook, and it will show up right below your cover picture. "Book with you, Contact you, See more about your business, Shop with you to donate, Download your app or Play your game" are the options available to you. For instance, on their Facebook page, Airtable asks readers to "sign up" for their newsletter.

Click the "Add a button" option under your cover picture to add this feature to your page. You can then select whatever button you want to show.

Businesses have used this button with remarkable success. According to Brian Kim of Dollar Shave Club, "During a three-week test, the sign-up call-to-action widget delivered a 2.5x higher conversion rate than other comparable social postings aimed at driving new user acquisition"

2. Regularly publish unique stuff.

After optimizing your website, you may begin sharing material with your audience. What, nevertheless, ought you to share? Although they shouldn't always explicitly advertise your goods or services, your postings should still be about your company. Typical post formats are as follows:

a better product video, similar to what Gap has. or a piece on a subject your readers would find interesting, such as Williams Sonoma. Perhaps hold a competition to interact with your followers and consumers, much as Fitbit does. Making your posts as engaging as possible is crucial because Facebook's algorithm is showing companies less and fewer organic postings. The computer evaluates signals and inventories, makes predictions, and then assigns a relevance score to determine which posts should show up in an individual's feed.

Facebook's best content categories

The most often asked question is: "How can I make my posts more engaging?"

Generally speaking, use caution when unsure. According to studies, postings with graphics, photos, and videos get 2.3 times more interaction than those with only text.

To go it even further, when it comes to interaction, videos beat out text-only postings and photographs. Research has shown that "46% of audiences say they have made buying something as a result of watching a branded video on social media."

For instance, you'll find something unusual if you look at the most popular Facebook postings of 2017: almost all of them were videos. An article occupied the lone spot among the top 15. Direct user interaction with Facebook videos is one of the elements that makes postings very shareable.

Videos may be scary, especially if your marketing staff is lacking or if you are the only one using them. However, be at ease. There are several resources available to assist you. Three excellent items to look for are:

Wave.Video: This program offers 200 million stock photos, audio recordings, and videos in its catalog. You are able to add text effects, video filters, transitions, and your own material. You can quickly resize videos to over 30 different social media formats using it, such as Facebook covers, Instagram Stories in the vertical style, and square format.

Cutable - This website calls itself "the simplest video maker in the world," and to be honest, it very much is. You may upload video, modify it, and add music and transitions using this program. In addition to being a fantastic tool for producing material for social media, it allows you to publish straight from the website to your social media accounts.

Magisto: This tool makes it simple for you to insert movies by using AI. Put another way, you provide the video clips you wish to use, and the program arranges them in the way you like. no need for editing

3. Add product tags to your images.

Businesses may now include shopping elements in their Facebook postings. With the help of this function, consumers who are browsing may learn more about products and even make a purchase by clicking on a picture that shows in their feed.

Similar to how you would identify someone on the site, you may tag your products.Rate. Search for the little symbol of a shopping bag. After that, you can add a link from your website to the product page and tag your items by inputting their names. On their Facebook page, Swell Water Bottle makes use of this functionality to promote and sell their water bottles. You'll notice a "Click for details" banner in the upper-right corner of several of their entries.

When you click on the tag, a link to the water bottle's product page appears, and similar goods show up underneath the picture.

Users may then click the link to buy the goods from Swell's online shop. Because it functions as a funnel to direct customers to the buy page, this is an excellent tool for increasing sales. This may be quite helpful in encouraging additional transactions, particularly from those who are only idly perusing your website.

4. Facilitate, promote, and interact with consumer reviews

The lifeblood of a company is its consumers, and they often have something to say. Regardless of the outcome, you still have the chance to turn them into passionate brand champions. For this reason, you must allow reviews on your Facebook page.

To activate the Reviews tab, choose "Settings" and then "Edit Page."

Then, choose "Add Tab" by scrolling down.

In the end, choose "Reviews."

You should never undervalue the significance of consumer feedback on your Facebook page. According to a 2017 poll,

Customers "trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations" in numbers close to 85%.

Before trusting a company, customers read an average of seven reviews, an increase of six from the previous year.

When companies reply to reviews with the statement "30% naming it as key when evaluating local businesses," customers appreciate that.

Positive evaluations can be the boost your business needs. Kinsta tried our service and got a ton of positive ratings.

Don't worry, however, if the review is not too nice. Businesses have the chance to demonstrate and evaluate their customer service skills via negative feedback. You have the opportunity to address reviews and make corrections for your readers.

For instance, on The Illicit Still's Facebook page, customers voiced their displeasure if they hadn't had the best experience possible. Illicit Still kindly replied and made an effort to fix the problem.

Customers that leave reviews have the potential to become your best advocates. To build relationships and foster growth with your clients, confirm that you have activated the option to share both good and maybe even some bad experiences. Never hesitate to request feedback from your clients.

5. Launch an Ad Campaign on Facebook

It is now the appropriate moment to launch an aggressive campaign using Facebook Ads Manager as your platform for running marketing campaigns. Installing the Facebook tracking pixel on your WordPress website ought to be your first priority. In this manner, you may begin to assemble a group of website visitors that you can then retarget.

Using Facebook advertisements to attract new clients may be both economical and successful.

For instance, Bonobos had amazing success with Facebook advertisements. Bonobos saw "a 3x increase in offline purchases, a 2x increase in offline purchase returns on spend on advertisements, a 3x increase in website purchases, as well as a 2x increase in website purchase returns on ad spend" after the implementation of a campaign using carousel advertising.

To be clear, however, boosting a post on Facebook is not the same as merely promoting a single post; it's just a way to have a well-performing post show up in more people's feeds.

But Facebook ad campaigns are more sophisticated and focus on certain audiences. Facebook offers a variety of ad formats, including:

Domain advertisements: These links go straight to the company's website.

Advertisers may cycle between carousel advertisements, which display smoothly in the stream, if they want to communicate a narrative with a succession of photos or if they have various goods to promote.

Offer advertisements: These let you incorporate coupons that consumers may use online or in-store.

Video advertisements: Most people don't view videos on Facebook with the volume turned up, so make sure you add subtitles for a deeper impact. These sorts of advertisements may catch someone who is scrolling right past them.

Lead ads are an excellent way to get contact details such as email address and name quickly.

Canvas: This kind of advertisement shows a beautiful movie as soon as the viewer clicks on it, and it then unfolds to fill the screen.

Promoted in users' news feeds, sponsored mentions are an excellent kind of advertisement.

More advanced than carousel advertisements, dynamic ads are linked to your items; if they're out of stock, they won't appear as available.

You may use advertising as a highly effective marketing tool, but in order to get the most out of them, you need to continuously review and improve them. When you set up your ads, make sure you:

You may have more than one ad in each ad group, so experiment and work with different groups of ads. Change up the wording and look of your ads.

Benefit from lookalike audiences. Facebook may target comparable prospective customers who could be interested in your product or service should you import a.csv of your customers' emails.

Start by login into Facebook Ads Manager, choose your business page, then enter your header, body, graphics, and website to begin running an ad campaign.

With the correct ad wording and style, you can draw in new viewers and encourage them to interact with your business. Facebook advertisements are an excellent method to reach out to new consumers and stay in touch with existing ones.

6. Utilize the insights on your Facebook page.

Once you've put all of these suggestions into practice on your website, you'll need a means to evaluate what's and isn't working for your company. Maybe you need to adjust the frequency of your posts, or maybe you need to run more focused advertisements.

The Insights page on your company's Fan Page has this data, which may be a very useful tool for you to decide where to spend time and money on future campaigns.

The "Insights" tab on the toolbar of your company's Fan Page is where you may find this function.

"Page Summary" appears as the dashboard opens, giving users a brief, easily readable overview of the campaigns or material they are putting on their page as well as its overall health.

The Page Summary tab displays the following metrics:

activities on Page: This refers to all user activities (like sharing and commenting) on your business page.

Page Views: The number of views your page saw in a certain time frame.

Page Preview: A page preview is what happens when a user hovers over your page and sees it in their newsfeed.

Page Likes: The number of times a user has hit "Like" on your business's Facebook page.

Reach: The number of distinct Facebook users you were able to connect with via a post on your business's page.

Post Engagement: This is the total amount of likes, comments, and shares that all of your posts—including those on your business's Facebook page—received during a certain time frame.

Video Views: This is the total number of times someone has seen your video. A sight is when someone watches it for three seconds or more.

Page Followers: This measure indicates the number of new Page followers you've acquired on Facebook, where users may choose to follow or unfollow your postings.

Then, from the menu on the left, users may choose from a wide range of choices, such as posts, sponsored material, events, videos, stories, people Are, reach, follows, likes, and messages, in addition to promotions and page views and previews.

You can use this new data to consolidate your effort for future campaigns by evaluating which post kinds and subjects work best using the "Actions on Page" and "Posts" views.

The "Likes" tab is an excellent resource for learning how many admirers you've acquired. The graphs provide a look back at your success throughout time.

When it comes to evaluating, auditing, and creating your Facebook editorial schedule and marketing initiatives, all of these tools may be very helpful.

In brief

There's no denying that you need to promote on Facebook. The social media behemoth is here to stay, even with its recent missteps. With billions of users, ignoring Facebook would be a grave error for your digital marketing strategy.

The first step in engaging this demographic is creating a Facebook business page, which will act as your brand's "home base" and host a range of content and calls to action for your clients. You should then share updates on your page and maintain a consistent posting schedule, both of which will help you gain more followers and engage with your audience.

Manage your customer reviews and connect with customers. Keep in mind that a negative review gives you an opportunity to make things right. Provides comfort. Take advantage of this in addition turn that angry customer into someone who is pleased with your brand. If you sell physical products, think about using the "Tag Products" feature. This will help your customers have an easier time making purchases on your page.

You should safeguard your brand image and make sure that prospective consumers see only the content you want them to see. You can learn more about this by reading this article: How and why to submit a Facebook trademark infringement complaint. Additionally, remember to keep an eye out for phony company pages that are utilizing your brand name.

Use Facebook ad campaigns to target new clients. Examine all of your success in Facebook Insights. This information will assist you in making judgments about your marketing strategy going forward, enabling you to determine what is now effective and what need further modification.

Which Facebook marketing tactics have been successful for your company? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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