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The BJP seeks to deflect attention from the politics of the events; the Lok Sabha elections would be difficult - Akhilesh Yadav

The BJP seeks to deflect attention from the politics of the events; the Lok Sabha elections would be difficult - Akhilesh Yadav

The BJP seeks to deflect attention from the politics of the events; the Lok Sabha elections would be difficult - Akhilesh Yadav
The BJP seeks to deflect attention from the politics of the events; the Lok Sabha elections would be difficult - Akhilesh Yadav

Lucknow. According to SP President Akhilesh Yadav, the next Lok Sabha elections would be the most significant and difficult ones to date. These elections are linked to certain problems that will affect society for a long time. The Constitution and democracy are under danger.

In a statement, Akhilesh Yadav said that unemployment, inflation, and corruption had peaked. Every day, women's and girls' lives are getting more dangerous. By sidestepping these important issues, the BJP hopes to deflect public attention from the "politics of events." The only way to combat the hatred tactics of the BJP is with socialist ideas. SP discusses building and development.

To make sure that the names of their supporters are not removed from the voter list, all party employees and officials need to pay attention. By manipulating thousands of Samajwadi supporters' votes in the most recent assembly elections, the BJP was able to seize power by force. PDA progressive, dalit, minority, and backward will all cooperate to unseat the BJP.

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