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Maldivian President Muizzu was shocked to lose the Male mayor's race to the pro-Indian party

Maldivian President Muizzu was shocked to lose the Male mayor's race to the pro-Indian party

Maldivian President Muizzu was shocked to lose the Male mayor's race to the pro-Indian party
Maldivian President Muizzu was shocked to lose the Male mayor's race to the pro-Indian party

Man. In the race for mayor of Male, the capital, a pro-India party defeated the party of Maldivian President Mohammed Muizzu, which was elected on the platform of "India Out." Male's mayor at the time of Mohammad Muizzu's election as president Check out this also: BREAKING: Rahul Gandhi ally Milind Deora resigns from primary membership in the Congress ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, shocking the party.

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), an opposition party that supports India, has emerged victorious in the capital city of Male's mayoral elections. Adam Azim, an MDP candidate, has been chosen to serve as Male's next mayor. Former president and pro-Indian Muhammad Solih, who was defeated by pro-China candidate Muizzu in the presidential contest, is the head of the MDP. In a sense, the MDP has been given a lifeline after winning the mayor elections.

When Muijju arrived back from his trip to China, he was shocked

China is the country Muizzu favors above India. He went to China and Turkey after taking office as president. Following a five-day state visit to China, Muizzu returned to Male on Saturday. In light of recent events, he had previously made a veiled reference to India, saying, "We may be a small country, but that does not allow anyone to bully us." Get no permission to do so.

How did the dispute begin?

In the midst of the continuous hostilities with India, the Maldives conducted municipal elections. In actuality, PM Modi presented photos from his recent visit to Lakshadweep. Following this, three Maldivian politicians made offensive comments directed at Prime Minister Modi and India. Following this, India voiced a strong opposition. As a result, the three ministers who made the remarks were suspended by the Maldives government.

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