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 personal publishing

Self-publishing, also known as independent publishing, is a rapidly expanding global movement that offers authors a fantastic means of reaching readers wherever they may be with their tales. Locate yourself.

You have total control on every aspect of your book as a freelance writer, including creation, printing, and distribution. You own the right to decide who edits your book, who creates the cover art, whether the paper is cream or white, and whether the cover is glossy or matte. What appears on your book's copyright page is up to you to decide. The price at which you sell your book is up to you. All you have to do is decide on the book's format and size, as well as the distribution method you want to use. You can also make free, fast edits to your book in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, you will earn royalties equal to around 20% more of the selling price of your print book (and much more if you publish it as an e-book) if you want to make a good living from book sales, and vice versa. 5%–10% of what you get from self-publishing and conventional avenues.

Independent book publishing might seem like a difficult undertaking, and you might not know where to begin. Recall that this will need a lot of effort since you will be handling every function of a regular publishing business. However, every independent writer will tell you how advantageous it is, particularly when you collaborate with knowledgeable industry professionals. I am certain that, by working with me, the completed item will be on top, your book will be listed correctly, and that it will be given maximum reach considering that I have worked in the book industry since 1991 and have spent many years honing when perfecting the art of independent book publishing.

E-book, hardcover, or both?

It is important for authors to make sure their books are published in both print and electronic formats. You want to make sure that a buyer can easily locate and purchase your book with just a mouse click once they hear about it. Naturally, having your book accessible as an e-book on a website like Amazon gives the buyer quick satisfaction (and fast access to your book, wherever they are in the globe), but many customers still prefer a nice, tactile paperback book. within their grasp. I am certain that I do! My recommendation is: Post in both file types. From your original manuscript (which you will probably provide them in Word), your designer should be able to create an ePub (e-book) and paperback edition of your book. The front cover of both versions will be the same, but the paperback edition will need a spine and a back cover.

The fact that an author may publish their book on one of the many independent publishing platforms available today saves them the trouble of printing thousands of copies and shipping them to a big warehouse. Print-on-demand (POD) capabilities on-site enable both Amazon, the biggest print-on-demand retailer in the world, and IngramSpark, the largest print-on-demand wholesaler, to print your book. enables copy printing. as soon as a consumer places an order.

Getting your book published at traditional book retailers

It is crucial that your book be accessible on all major international book retail platforms when you self-publish it in paperback. Having your book accessible to bookshops worldwide that want to buy copies is equally crucial.

Every bookshop will have a subscription to Nielsen Bookdata, the biggest book database in the world based on value (formerly known as Books in Print). Booksellers may find out all the information they want about a book, including how to order it, from this database. Having worked in bookselling, I can tell you that there is nothing more frustrating than accepting a customer's request to locate a book for them only to discover that it is not included in Books in Print. This often occurs when a book is not listed with a book wholesaler, which means that it is not available via publishers, distributors, or wholesalers in print. Alternatively, the book may have been produced independently but the author has not listed it with a mainstream publisher. Add all of their published works to this database.

whether a bookshop is prepared to go above and above, they will probably do a Google search to see whether the book is on the author's website or social media account. However, most of the time—and this is something I can attest to—the book is accessible someplace. Additionally, there is no mention, leaving the bookshop with little option except to decline the enthusiastic prospective purchaser. For this reason, your book won't appear in their database if it can only be purchased in a bookshop via a publisher, distributor, or wholesaler. Additionally, you should give up on making customized orders for each client. a printed copy of your book. Locating a freelancer is often much more difficult than locating the author.

Another possibility is that book merchants will only be able to locate the book on Amazon, not via their usual network of publishers, distributors, and other book wholesalers. Based in the US, Ingram is the biggest book wholesaler in the world, holding volumes for thousands of foreign publishers without their own distributors. Many writers are unaware that they are losing out on potential book sales in bookshops when they limit their book's availability to online retailers like Amazon. Independent publishers dislike buying books from Amazon because it creates a lot of additional issues for book dealers. In contrast to major publishers, distributors, and wholesalers that sell to shops on 60- to 120-day accounts, they have to pay for books in advance. In addition, there are shipping costs and the problem of returns (because Amazon is a one-way highway). Lastly, publishers, distributors, and wholesalers provide bookshops with amazing trade discounts (ranging from 30% to 55%), while Amazon does not. As a result, the book Before selling the book to a consumer, the store will need to raise its price. The consumer will most likely choose to purchase the book from Amazon for half the asking price.

The print-on-demand division of Ingram, the biggest book distributor in the world, is called IngramSpark. When you publish your paperback with IngramSpark, it will be instantly accessible in Ingram's wholesale catalog, making it simple and fast for any bookshop in the globe to locate and place an order for your book.

platform for book publication

For writers looking to publish independently, I suggest three platforms: IngramSpark (for sales to the book trade), Draft2Digital (for sales to the general public), and Amazon KDP. Publishing your book on all three platforms guarantees that it can be accessed by a large number of people, including online merchants, bookshops, and private readers. Every platform offers excellent support for writers who choose to go the independent publication path.

How much does it cost? Is it necessary to engage in illicit organ sales in order to get publication for your book?

Fortunately, no! With prices beginning at R2 250, I can provide you a variety of publishing packages that will fit your budget. These packages include thorough keyword and genre research as well as competition analysis. By choosing this link, you may see the many packages I have offered for authors.

What will you need in order to begin?

Your book has to be edited and ready for print before I can work with you to independently publish and list it globally in paperback and/or e-book format. Additionally, it will have undergone editing and proofreading, as well as expert typing (in ePub for e-books and PDF format for paperbacks). If you choose to purchase the e-book solely, it should also have a full-wrap cover, which includes the front, spine, and back covers, or only the front cover. Should you be releasing a big print version of your book alongside standard paperbacks, the larger print will need a typeset inside and a full-wrap cover (with a separate ISBN).

Please contact Greg Davis at Greg Davis Media ( if you haven't begun the typesetting and cover design process yet and are unsure of where to begin. He will guide you through the process of working his magic. Will verify.

I will send you a thorough publishing information document that will cover everything in the meantime. This will include helping you get an ISBN, creating accounts on different publishing platforms, and, if you don't already have an international bank account, registering a Payoneer account to handle royalties.

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