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January 5, 2024, Agri Pix Report 05: Geojit

January 5, 2024, Agri Pix Report 05: Geojit

January 5, 2024, Agri Pix Report 05: Geojit
January 5, 2024, Agri Pix Report 05: Geojit

Telangana farmers planted rabi crops on 1.63 million acres as of Wednesday, according to Geojit. This is a 4.1% decrease from 1.70 million acres a year earlier.

Geojit's Agri Pix report

According to statistics from the state government, farmers in Telangana planted rabi crops on 1.63 million acres as of Wednesday, a 4.1% decrease from 1.70 million acres a year earlier. About 0.40 hectares make up one acre. According to the statistics, the state has covered around 29.7% of the 5.5 million acres that normally make up the Rabi crop. The area planted to pulses fell to 276,098 acres, a 22.4% annual decrease. The area planted to Bengal gram, which produces 87.6% of all pulses, decreased to 241,911 acres in the last year, a decrease of almost 23.1%. Normally, 4.21 million acres are covered with pulses during this season. From 771,220 acres to 762,991 acres, the area sown to paddy decreased by 1.1%. 4.05 million acres are typically used for the crop throughout the season. According to data, Telangana has gotten 0.1 mm less rainfall this winter season than it does on average—0.9 mm. Millets now cover 337,689 acres, an increase of 10.8% from the previous year. The state's acreage planted to maize, the primary crop for rabi, grew from 257,790 acres to 281,967 acres, making up 83.5% of the total area planted to coarse grains.

Based on the statistics, 511,521 acres is the average corn area for the season. From 1.44 million acres to 1.38 million acres last year, there was less land planted to food grains. There were 204,767 acres of oilseeds this year compared to 226,431 acres the previous year. At 183,724 acres, groundnut accounted for 89.7% of oilseed acreage, a decrease from 196,323 acres in the previous year. Typically, 371,037 acres are planted with oilseeds throughout the growing season. The water level in the state's main reservoirs was 695.45 billion cubic feet a year ago, but as of Wednesday, it was just 404.24 billion cubic feet, according to official statistics.

Based on statistics from the state agricultural department, Gujarat's rabi crop area this season was 4.46 million hectares as of Monday, 1.9% larger than the previous year. 1.21 million hectares of wheat, the state's primary crop for rabi, were seeded, which is 4% fewer than the 1.27 million hectares planted the previous year. 1.30 million hectares is the typical area under crop, based on the average of the previous three years. 111,068 hectares of maize were planted, an increase of 7.2% over the previous year. The area planted with Rabi grains decreased to 1.36 million hectares, a 2.1% annual decrease.

Comparing the previous year to this one, the area planted with Rabi pulses decreased by 16.4% to 669,090 hectares. With 623,585 hectares of crop, or 93.2% of the total, gram, the state's principal pulse and rabi pulse, is down from 758,059 hectares last year. According to the statistics, mustard was seeded on 275,137 hectares of the 275,550 hectares of oilseeds overall, and at 304,723 hectares, it was down 9.7%. From 274,995 hectares of cumin last year, the area under cumin has more than quadrupled. The crop covers 350,666 hectares in total. The biggest producer of spices is Gujarat.

   The acreage planted to coriander decreased to 124,778 hectares, a 44% annual decrease. The second-largest producer of spices is Gujarat. Among other crops, sugarcane planting climbed to 179,030 hectares from 166,938 hectares, while tobacco sowing decreased to 130,106 hectares from the previous year by 3.4%. Vegetable sowing decreased to 188,236 hectares from 189,996 hectares the previous year. Conversely, the area planted to potatoes rose somewhat to 134,301 hectares from 130,228 hectares the previous year. There were 579,929 hectares of pasture, an increase above the 591,182 hectares during the same time last year.

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