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Trading with Derivatives: Perils, Gains, and Dispelling the Myths

 Trading with Derivatives: Perils, Gains, and Dispelling the Myths

Trading with Derivatives: Perils, Gains, and Dispelling the Myths
Trading with Derivatives: Perils, Gains, and Dispelling the Myths

In the derivatives market, almost 90% of individual investors experience financial loss. This emphasizes how important it is for participants to comprehend the dynamics of risk and reward.

Futures and options (F&O) traders have become more prevalent in the financial markets, particularly among individual investors. The number of unique individual traders increased by a startling 500% from 7.1 lakh in FY12 to 7.1 lakh in FY19 as a result of the migration of individual investors into the F&O industry. The chairperson of SEBI has said that ordinary investors should exercise caution while engaging in this sector.

Is the rise of individual investors reason for alarm?

Concerns over retail investors' readiness and awareness of the dangers involved have been highlighted by the sharp rise in the number of them trading derivatives. Increased involvement may boost market liquidity, but it also emphasizes the need for individual investors to exercise prudence. The SEBI chairman's worries highlight how crucial it is to comprehend the nuances of the derivatives market before entering it. According to a SEBI survey, 89% of retail equities F&O (futures and options) traders had losses in FY22. However, rather than losing money every day in the F&O sector, investors should concentrate on the long term in order to increase the likelihood of obtaining returns via this method that beat inflation.

Hedging of portfolios

Proficient investors use futures products not only for trading purposes but also as a tactical instrument. Experienced investors often use portfolio hedging as a way to lower risks. For instance, it can be wise to use futures contracts to counter possible losses in the stock market during volatile periods. Furthermore, by taking advantage of their current stock holdings, investors may use futures to leverage their investments and create steady income.

Trading risks for F&O

Even while trading derivatives offers appealing potential, it also requires a strong understanding of market circumstances. When there is more volatility, investors should be cautious since there may be a higher risk. When there are erratic market conditions or unclear economic circumstances, it might be wise to

To safeguard their wealth, investors should temporarily steer clear of F&O trading.

Whether one is a seller or a buyer of options, options trading has a variety of chances. Vikal It is crucial for purchasers to comprehend price variations and the art of timing. However, option sellers may benefit from steady revenue streams by using techniques like covered calls and cash-secured puts. Examples of profit possibilities for option buyers and sellers are shown in the table below:

Investing Techniques for Trading Options

There are many different methods accessible in the options markets, and ordinary investors may easily access some of them. A three-wave countertrend movement in prices is described by the Elliott Wave theory, sometimes known as the ABC wave theory: For instance, this tactic entails combining put and call options to create a position that is both risk-defined and perhaps lucrative. As.

Wave A: The first wave of prices that deviates from the general trend of the market.

Wave B: Wave A is followed by a corrective wave.

Wave C: The final price movement in the countertrend pattern's completion.

This advanced ABC method may be investigated by high net worth individuals (HNIs) to meet their financial objectives and risk tolerance.

Untruths about options markets

Common misconceptions about options markets include the idea that it's a simple and fast method to gain money. But in practice, options trading requires a thorough comprehension of risk management, market dynamics, and strategic decision-making. It's critical that you become knowledgeable about these topics in order to debunk misconceptions and make wise investing choices.

There are benefits and drawbacks to the derivatives market. Considering that over 90% of retail investors lose money, it is imperative that one have extensive knowledge and certification. In order to get a thorough grasp of the dynamics of risk and reward in derivatives trading, interested parties might think about being certified as NISMs. Equipped with information, investors may approach this intricate market with tact and improve their chances of coming to wise and lucrative conclusions.

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