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Rahul Gandhi remarked, "Youth are dissatisfied" and pointed the finger at the Modi administration, saying, "The breach in the security of Parliament occurred because...

 Rahul Gandhi remarked, "Youth are dissatisfied" and pointed the finger at the Modi administration, saying, "The breach in the security of Parliament occurred because...

Rahul Gandhi remarked, "Youth are dissatisfied" and pointed the finger at the Modi administration, saying, "The breach in the security of Parliament occurred because...
Rahul Gandhi remarked, "Youth are dissatisfied" and pointed the finger at the Modi administration, saying, "The breach in the security of Parliament occurred because...

Security lapse in the parliament: Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, said that the Narendra Modi government's policies are to blame for the unemployment of India's young.

Congressman Rahul Gandhi criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the security lapse in Parliament, citing "unemployment and inflation" as the cause of the event.

According to Gandhi, the largest problem facing the nation is unemployment. The Modi government's policies are preventing India's young from finding employment. He acknowledged that there had been security breakdowns, but attributed them on rising unemployment and prices in a video clip that he shared on social media on Saturday.

The caption of Gandhi's social media post that went along with the video was, "Where are the jobs? The younger generation is in need; we must address this problem and provide employment for them.

On Wednesday, there was a serious security breach in Parliament when two guests broke into the Lok Sabha chamber and unlocked a yellow smoke canister, frightening the lawmakers. Two other individuals, one of which was a lady, were standing outside the Parliament with a smoking container in the meanwhile.

PTI claims that after questioning, one of the four suspects admitted to the police that they were at Parliament to voice their protests about violence in Manipur, unemployment, and other concerns.

Six defendants have been taken into custody in this case so far, one of them is the "mastermind" of the event. In the case of the security breach in Parliament, another culprit was taken into custody on Saturday. In the meanwhile, two persons are being held in relation to the event.

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