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Meesho vendors number close to 75,000, and their sales have grown by double digits

 Meesho vendors number close to 75,000, and their sales have grown by double digits

Meesho vendors number close to 75,000, and their sales have grown by double digits
Meesho vendors number close to 75,000, and their sales have grown by double digits

According to the organization, which tracked 14 crore client interactions, almost 80% of the orders originated from Tier 2 and smaller markets.

Meesho said that it saw a distinct trend of clients making their largest purchases on Sundays.

According to the company, on Sunday, almost 75,000 vendors had double-digit growth, while over 20,000 sellers on the e-commerce platform Meesho, supported by SoftBank, saw a ten-fold rise in business. Meesho, an e-commerce unicorn, is the first to disclose a profit this year and says it has continued to be profitable since its July performance report.

According to the firm, 130,000 Meesho merchants reported making more than Rs 1 lakh in sales in 2023, and almost 10,000 of them exceeded the Rs 1 crore sales threshold. Meesho said that tiny towns like Avinashi, Bharuch, Faizabad, and Silchar are home to over 60% of these sellers. Meesho said that it had gained over 7 lakh new merchants this year, bringing the total to 15 lakh. According to the organization, which tracked 14 crore client interactions, almost 80% of the orders originated from Tier 2 and smaller markets.

Meesho said that it saw a distinct trend of clients making their largest purchases on Sundays. "Indian shoppers have rated Sunday as their best shopping day for two years in a row, starting at 7am and ending at 3am," the statement said. Even a client from Surat, who was the largest individual orderer on the site, put almost 20,000 orders for fake jewels.

"More than 67 lakh consumers shopped at Meesho for products to stop hair loss. Consumer behaviors are clearly changing as self-care awareness increases, both in terms of personal appearance and "The amount of care provided has increased by 40%." The declaration said.

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