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"India will be among the top-3 economies," said Prime Minister Modi, introducing the government's 25-year plan. Five revisions

 "India will be among the top-3 economies," said Prime Minister Modi, introducing the government's 25-year plan. Five revisions

"India will be among the top-3 economies," said Prime Minister Modi, introducing the government's 25-year plan. Five revisions
"India will be among the top-3 economies," said Prime Minister Modi, introducing the government's 25-year plan. Five revisions

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at the Surat Diamond Bourse that his administration has devised a strategy for the next 25 years in light of the growth of the Indian economy.

In light of the growth of the Indian economy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at the Surat Diamond Bourse opening event on Sunday that his administration has devised a strategy for the next 25 years.

Five updates from PM Modi's Surat address are as follows:

According to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his administration wants to grow India's economy to be worth $10 trillion. In the next 25 years, the government has set a goal of $5 trillion or $10 trillion for the economy, and we are working toward it.

The Prime Minister praises Surat's transition from "Sun City" to "Diamond City."

In addition to pushing the nation's export sector to all-time highs, Prime Minister Modi said that his administration is trying to make India a trillion-dollar economy.

During his third term, Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed his goal of making India one of the world's three greatest economies.

The biggest office building in the world is the Surat Diamond Exchange.

'Modi's assurance' is how PM Modi characterized the Surat Diamond Market.

In addition, Prime Minister Modi said that Surat is among the world's top ten emerging cities. Street cuisine in Surat, skill development activities, it's all so good... 'Sun City' was the previous name for Surat. But thanks to their laborious efforts, the locals have turned this place into a "Diamond City."

With the opening of a new terminal, the capacity of Surat International Airport will increase.

Regarding the security breach in Parliament, Prime Minister Modi said that the incident must be taken lightly and urged there to be no debate on the matter in the midst of demonstrations by the opposition. According to the publication, he called the breach "painful and worrying".

Later, in a speech to a crowd, Modi said that 8 lakh people were employed by the Surat diamond sector and that the new exchange will bring 1.5 lakh new jobs.

The Surat Diamond Exchange represents the determination and the new India: PM Modi

Diamond Research and Mercantile (Dream) City includes SDB. Anandiben Patel, the former chief minister of Gujarat, lay the SDB and Dream City project's foundation stone in February 2015. According to a statement, SDB, which has 67 lakh square feet of floor area and has over 4,500 offices for diamond dealing, is now the biggest office building in the world. Constructed on a 35.54-acre land inside Dream City, the megastructure has nine 15-story buildings housing office spaces varying in size from 300 square feet to one lakh square feet.

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