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Republican presidential contenders promise to ban TikTok and shut down the social media app during the GOP debate

 Republican presidential contenders promise to ban TikTok and shut down the social media app during the GOP debate

During the third GOP debate, Republican presidential contenders pledged to outlaw TikTok, citing worries about data harvesting that went beyond national security.

During the debate on Wednesday night, Republican contenders for president pledged to outlaw the TikTok, citing both anti-Semitic material on the Chinese-owned social video app and worries about data collecting from a national security standpoint.

"TikTok is more than just malware. Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, said, "It is purposefully poisoning the minds of American youth throughout this nation."

He accused the front-runner of the Republican candidacy, former President Donald Trump, who is abstaining from the debates, of not doing more when he had the chance.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina backed Trump by pointing out that the courts had previously rejected the then-president's efforts to outlaw the app. "The Chinese community on TikTok should be completely removed if a ban is not possible," he said. He also suggested requiring parents' consent to be obtained by TikTok before allowing minors under the age of 14 to create an account.

The TikTok controversy quickly grew into a bigger dispute over the increasing influence of Chinese culture in US society. Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis said that TikTok demonstrated that the US and China had a cultural competition in addition to a military and economic one. It need a comprehensive strategy to be able to repel China. Yes, economic decoupling and military deterrence, but also their significance to our society. We won't be able to win the battle collectively if we don't acknowledge that.

However, Ohio businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who is running for office using TikTok, said that the Chinese Communist Party received user data from more sources than only Chinese corporations.

"Any US company that genuinely transfers US data to the Chinese has to be banned," he said. Thus, the issue arises when Republicans follow the wind for a while and it becomes fashionable to speak harshly about China.

Ramaswamy criticized South Carolina governor and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, which escalated the heated argument in Miami.

"She made fun of me for joining TikTok at the previous discussion, even though her own daughter had been using the app for a while. Thus, you may want to prioritize taking care of your family, said Ramaswamy.

Haley shot out, "Leave my daughter out of your voice." The crowd jeered.

An instant reaction was not received from TikTok.

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