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LIC Jeevan Umang Policy: Learn about the program features and get up to Rs 48,000 year with only a Rs 54 daily deposit

 LIC Jeevan Umang Policy: Learn about the program features and get up to Rs 48,000 year with only a Rs 54 daily deposit

LIC Jeevan Umang Plan: This participating, non-linked life insurance plan is offered by LIC. In this, the advantage of survival benefit is accessible till maturity along with death benefits at the conclusion of the premium period.

When purchasing life insurance, a significant portion of the populace in the nation puts their confidence in the government-run Life Insurance Corporation, or LIC. There are other such plans offered by LIC that provide investors both attractive returns and the security of insurance. LIC Jeevan Umang is one such plan that offers advantages to investors both throughout their lifetime and at maturity.

What is Jeevan Umang of LIC?

The Jeevan Umang life assurance plan from LIC is a participating, non-linked plan. In addition to revenue, it gives your family security. This policy's unique feature is that you will get survival benefits till maturity after the premium payment term has ended. In addition, at maturity and death, LIC will give the policyholder a lump sum settlement.

How to make Rs. 48,000 in profit year in Rs. 55

If a person under the age of 25 enrolls in LIC's Jeevan Umang Plan, they will be guaranteed an amount of Rs. 6 lakh for a 30-year period. Consequently, he would be required to pay a premium of Rs 1638 each month, or Rs 54.6 per day. Upon the policy's payout term expiration at age 55, he will get Rs 48,000 annually till maturity. The insured will get an amount of Rs 28 lakh at maturity, which includes the cash assured and bonus. This scheme has a maturity age of one hundred years. That indicates that even at the age of 100, you will gain from maturity.

What is advantage of death?

This plan also includes a death benefit. The nominee of the policyholder will get the benefit of the Sum Assured, Reversionary Plus, you can as well as Final Additional Bonus if the policyholder passes away during the policy term. The death benefit cannot be less than 105 percent of the total amount of premiums paid by the policyholder. The premium does not include tax.

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