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Increased employee pay: Excellent news! Employees' salaries were raised by ₹ 27,000 before to Diwali, and they will get perks

 Increased employee pay: Excellent news! Employees' salaries were raised by ₹ 27,000 before to Diwali, and they will get perks

Gifts for Diwali have been given to these workers. Due to the Board's announcement of an increase in his dearness allowance, his compensation has risen. This additional dearness allowance will be paid to these workers starting on July 1. The Union Cabinet had just declared a few days before that the DA of every central employee would be increased.

Employees of the railways left before Diwali. The Railway Board has declared that it would raise the dearness allowance for about 12 lakh Indian Railways workers. Instead of receiving 42% of their base pay, railway personnel would instead get 46% of their dearness allowance. This will take effect on July 1, 2023, meaning that all workers will get their wage plus any outstanding balances.

On October 23, 2023, the Railway Board sent this information to the General Managersas well as Chief Administrative Officers of "All India Railways and Production Units" by letter. According to the Railway Board, the decision to raise dearness allowance by 4% is very satisfying.

4 days ago, the government granted bonuses.

Five days after raising the central workers' dearness allowance, the Railway Board announced the rise in employee pay. It was stated last week that the dearness allowance for around 48 lakh central government workers and 67 lakh retirees will rise. In addition to the Diwali bonus, the Union Cabinet has approved a budget of Rs 15,000 crore for this.

Pay hike of up to Rs 27,000 is planned.

The Railway Board's decision would result in a Rs 27,000 pay hike for railway workers. This is how it is calculated. Railway personnel are entitled to a minimum base wage of Rs 18,000 per year. A 42 percent dearness allowance is equivalent to Rs 7560. In contrast, at 46% of this amount, it becomes Rs 8280, meaning that the monthly wage has increased by Rs 720.

On the other hand, railway workers' base pay caps at Rs 56,900. This results in DA at 42% being Rs 23,898, which at 46% becomes Rs 26,174. As a result, his monthly pay has grown by Rs 2276, totaling Rs 27,312 when the whole year's earnings are taken into account.

Employees approved of the choice.

Just before Diwali, the Railway Board made a move that has been warmly embraced by railway employee groups. The All India Railway Men's Federation general secretary, Shiv Gopal Mishra, said, "It was the employees' right to receive DA because they were supposed to start receiving it in July." The choice to make the payment public before Diwali is one that I applaud.

The National Federation of Indian Railway Men's general secretary, M. Raghavaiah, said that the Consumer Price Index is used to determine how much DA is paid. Its goal is to shield the workers from the consequences of inflation. The nation's inflation rate has recently risen quite quickly.

Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that there would be 11,75,925 railway workers in the nation as of February 1, 2023, in answer to a question posed in the Lok Sabha. The biggest employer in the nation is Indian Railways.

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