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HCL News: Exciting news for staff members! HCL's major work-from-home announcement followed that of TCS

 HCL News: Exciting news for staff members! HCL's major work-from-home announcement followed that of TCS

Work From Home END: In an effort to put an end to the "work from home" culture that was sparked by the Covid-19 outbreak, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has urged all 6.14 lakh of its workers to report to work in person.

IT companies have increasingly transitioned from an office model of operation. TCS, the IT division of Tata, has mandated that all of its workers work from the office. Employees at HCL Technologies (HCL Tech) are now required to report to work three days a week.

Working remotely is never a smart idea, according to C Vijayakumar, the company's managing director and CEO. According to him, the workers would have some leeway in scheduling these three days.

How many workers does the business have in Israel? Additionally, according to Vijayakumar, all 130 of HCL Tech's workers in Israel are safe. The business keeps a close eye on the circumstances. We employ roughly 130 people in Israel, he added. Each one is a local. Although several of our software teams are headquartered in Israel, we do not do business there. Thankfully, they are secure, and we are keeping a close eye on everything. We would like to inform you that Israel and Hamas are engaged in combat.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has terminated the culture of "work from home" that was established during the Covid-19 outbreak by asking all 6.14 lakh of its workers to go to work. The first significant IT firm to do so is TCS. Seventy percent of the staff, the business claims, have begun to report to work.

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