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Publishers: A Comprehensive Guide to Video Ads with Five Choices

 Publishers: A Comprehensive Guide to Video Ads with Five Choices

Video advertisements have the potential to help publishers improve ad income by up to 23 percent, depending on the kind of video units utilized and the site's current configuration. But not every website is a good fit for video advertisements. To ensure that video advertising are successful, publishers must take into account a variety of elements, including the location and size of the ads. Selecting a lightweight video player that won't negatively impact your SERP results and slow down your primary website assets is also crucial.

Additionally, the kind of video advertising solution you use will affect the outcomes. Ad exchanges, or platforms where publishers and advertisers may purchase and sell ad inventory, are one kind of solution. You'll be fully in charge of your advertising approach with these options. Should you lack years of expertise optimizing various ad settings, you can lose out on income and be restricted to the pool of video advertisers available on that platform.

To assist you optimize your ad configuration, other solutions, referred to as header bidding partners, employ a range of video solutions, link them to numerous ad exchange platforms, and provide extra ad technology. These suppliers provide a broad range of video formats and players to meet your user experience needs and usually generate high CPMs (cost-per-mille) for its publishers.

In this manual, we address:

How to determine whether your website might benefit from video adverts

Various Categories of Platforms for Video Advertising (And How to Choose the Best One)

Publishers' Top Five Video Advertising Options

Answers to Common Questions

Websites making as least $50 per day may collaborate with Snigel for header bidding. Snigel can assist you in providing quicker page loads and an enjoyable user experience in addition to optimizing income from video adverts. To find out how we can help you boost your advertising income, get in contact with us.

How to determine if people and your website are a good match for video advertisements

While video advertisements are a fantastic way for some publishers to boost income, they could put off other publishers for the following reasons:

They either don't generate enough money to justify airing video advertisements, or the user experience is badly impacted.

It makes more sense for these publications to concentrate their efforts on display 

advertisements. It's important to keep in mind that there are many different types of video players and formats available, some of which prioritize user experience more than others and pay more than others.

These six factors will assist you in deciding whether video advertisements are appropriate for you

It should be noted that many of these concepts only relate to out-stream video advertisements, or independent video advertisements as opposed to adverts placed inside publisher video content. If you already have video content, including in-stream advertisements will probably be beneficial. You may find out more below if you're interested in utilizing syndicated material to benefit from in-stream advertisements but don't have any video content.

Time on Page: For display advertising, the viewer should be able to see 30–50% of the ad (depending on size) for a complete second. For a video advertisement to be considered an impression, half of the ad unit must be viewable for the whole two-second playback period. However, viewers must stay on the website for at least 15 seconds for outstream and 45 seconds for instream video ad units in order for them to be successful (the longer, the better).

Ad size unit: When presented in smaller portions, static text and graphics are much simpler for consumers to comprehend than dynamic ones. For this reason, in order for video advertising to function successfully, they often need to appear as bigger ad units (than display ads). Video advertisements may not be the greatest option if your website's overall page structure and user experience don't support bigger ad units.

Ad units' placement: To maximize the likelihood that viewers will notice the advertisement, video ad units should be positioned close to or at the top of the page. Video ad units are unlikely to work as effectively for you if they are the only ones on the page that may be placed near the bottom.

Location of users: You may have trouble loading and playing the video before the user leaves the page if the majority of your traffic originates from nations where internet connections are often slower than those of other nations. Additionally, this may result in slower page loads overall, which will be bad for the user experience. Video advertisements may not be the ideal option in this situation. On the other hand, you may configure your ad configuration with certain providers, like Snigel, such that video advertising show up only for GEO customers who have fast Internet access. For that reason, video can still be worthwhile to explore if you get any traffic from Tier 1 GEO.

Site speed: Some websites run more slowly than others due to various factors such as complicated programs (like flight trackers) or an abundance of security measures (like healthcare websites).

User Tolerance:

 Different target demographics have varying thresholds for video advertising. While some users prefer not to view any video advertising at all, others will react favorably to highly targeted or hourly or session-specific video ads. You can strike a balance between retaining a positive user experience and optimizing income from video advertisements with the assistance of an ad management specialist.

Do you still have doubts about whether video advertisements might work well on your website? 

The advertising specialists at Snigel can assess your website and advise you on the suitability of video adverts. We also provide more resources to assist you boost ad income. Stay in contact.

Ad Network Types (And How to Select Your Website's Ideal Video Ad Network)

Even though they provide radically diverse services and capabilities, a lot of video ad solutions are referred to as "ad networks". Broadly speaking, there are three primary categories of ad monetization solutions:

By combining ad inventory from many publishers and offering it to advertisers in a bundle, ad networks serve as middlemen

Through ad auctions, publishers and advertisers may directly purchase or sell their own ad units and creatives to one another on ad exchanges. (Another name for ad exchanges is a supply side platform, or SSP.)

Header bidding partners provide extra ad technologies to help publishers improve their ad setup and assist publishers in connecting with numerous ad exchanges. Some also help with advertising strategies.

Even though all of these solutions are often referred to as "ad networks" in casual contexts, it's crucial to understand what you're getting into so you can anticipate certain features from the platform. We'll then talk over the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

Commencing is a simple task. All you need to do is install a wrapper, and they'll handle the rest

Ads are a way for small publishers to make money from their content. Compared to other ad monetization options, it is often more simpler for smaller publishers to identify an ad network they are qualified for, even though some ad networks have traffic restrictions.


The ads that show up on your website will be mostly or entirely outside of your control. Who you sell your ad inventory to is up to the ad network.

The minimum price cannot be specified. Your ad listings could sell for less than you're comfortable with if there's no minimum price.

There won't be many choices available to you for modifying your ad arrangement. The ad network is in charge of all other ad strategies, even though you will have some influence on the kind of ads and the quantity of ad units that are accessible on your website. For every website, they often use the same formulaic strategies. Since every website is unique, most publishers need a customized configuration in order to optimize income.

Your whole ad arrangement and approach will be entirely under your control. You have complete control over who you sell your ad inventory to, what other advertising strategies you want to use, how you'll carry them out, the lowest price you'll accept for your ad inventory, and a lot more.

You'll be able to reach a large number of premium advertisers. The majority of ad exchanges have stringent requirements before marketers may sign up for an account. You'll often get better-quality advertisements as a result. Additionally, the competition increases with the number of advertisers bidding for your space, usually leading to higher CPM prices.


Gaining access to advertising exchanges is a highly challenging task. The majority of ad exchanges have stringent admissions requirements. Usually, only major publications who can fulfill the conditions to participate in an advertising exchange are ESPN and others.

Your advertising plan has to be managed. A number of factors need to be taken into account when optimizing your ad layout to generate the most money. For instance, alter the desktop sidebar's ad configuration. Are sticky, interactive, or adaptive advertising appropriate to use? Is it better to utilize event-based or time-based ad refreshes, or both? What SSPs need to be connected to ad units in order to optimize both CPM and performance? Is it better to employ header bidding on the client or server side? The list is endless. The majority of publishers lack the years of expertise necessary to be knowledgeable about the answers to these concerns while dealing with a wide variety of ad layouts.

Your ad stack has to be implemented and maintained. Basic ad forms including interstitial advertisements, banner ads, video ads, etc. are available on the majority of ad exchanges. But for features like ad refresh or Adblock income recovery, you'll need more ad technology. You won't be able to reach your full earnings potential without further advertising strategies. It will take time to integrate and maintain third-party solutions since the majority of ad exchanges do not provide this software. Furthermore, not many publishers possess the technical know-how required to install and maintain the program.

You'll be able to use a number of exchanges for ads. In order to relieve publishers of this burden, header bidding partners establish and maintain accounts with many ad exchanges. The advantages of each ad exchange vary. For instance, whereas Magnite is renowned for producing high CPMs for video advertisements, Google AdX is recognized for drawing in high-quality advertisers. You won't have to choose one ad exchange over another while connecting to many.

Header bidding is an advantage that you may use. Publishers may submit bid requests to many ad exchanges simultaneously using header bidding. Prices rise as a result of increased competition.

There will be more advertising technologies available to you. To assist you in optimizing your ad layout for optimal income, the majority of header bidding partners have created (or bought) additional advertising approaches.


Charges apply. The majority of header bidding partners take a fee that is deducted from your ad income. Their percentage of sales may range from 15% to 30%.

It may not be possible for you to alter your ad stack. Cookie-cutter ad settings are used by several header bidding partners on all websites. It is up to the publisher to alter any settings in order to improve performance. As we've already discussed, most publishers want optimization to boost income, but not all of them possess the requisite technical know-how. Snigel, on the other hand, provides each website with a unique ad configuration. We handle every aspect of your ad stack's setup and upkeep on your behalf. (More details to follow)

Support for advertising strategies differs throughout suppliers. Only knowing which ad approach to use in the first place will enable you to optimize your ad stack. Once again, the majority of header bidding partners let you design and carry out your own marketing plan. On the other hand, Snigel offers you access to ad management specialists who design your advertising strategy and conduct continuous testing to guarantee optimal solutions are used.

We then go over the top five header bidding partners (including Snigel, our solution), ad exchanges, and video ad networks.

The top five platforms for publishers to use for video advertising

1. Utilizing Snigel's AdStream (Video Header Bidding Partner) to advertise video content on websites and YouTube

With Snigel's built-in video solution, AdStream, you can advertise on your website and on YouTube with high-quality video advertising. A variety of configurable video formats will be available to you, such as floating, in-content, out-of-stream, and in-stream.

AdStream has partnerships with leading SSPs, such as the following, to guarantee high CPM and superior content:

Google Ads Trade

Publisher Services on Amazon

Xander Index Exchange (openx)

even more popular Chocolate Platform

AdStream allows publishers to get up to ten times more money from their display advertisements by increasing user engagement, time spent on the site, and ad revenue.

Additionally, we take care of the setup and upkeep of all advertising technologies on your behalf. Additionally, a specialized ad management professional will design, develop, and oversee a personalized ad campaign for your website.

We'll discover more about AdStream and the tailored strategy that Snigel offers in the parts that follow.

Direct transactions, out-of-stream, in-stream, and more

AdStream allows you to use programmatic advertising (i.e., bidding on video ad inventory on ad exchange platforms) or direct agreements (i.e., selling ad units directly to individual advertisers) to fill ad units.

There are two primary types of video ad formats: in-stream and out-of-stream.

in the flow

With in-stream, you may add advertising to videos that are already posted on your website or YouTube channel. The primary video material may come before (pre-roll), in between (mid-roll), or after (post-roll) these ad pieces.

Standard format in-stream ad units require the viewer to watch the whole advertisement before moving on; skippable ad units allow the user to go on after a predetermined length of time. Standard in-stream advertisements sometimes have greater cost per thousand, but skippable ads typically provide a better user experience.

Snigel may produce videos using your website's current material or provide you syndicated content if your website doesn't already have any videos on it.

external to the stream

Since out-stream is an ad-only format, your website does not need to have any video content. AdStream provides a range of out-stream ad forms, such as interstitial, reward, floating, sticky sidebar, banner, and in-content.

Adaptable advertising methods for highly focused marketing campaigns

Considerations to make in order to really optimize performance of a video ad include:

What variations in appearance will consumers in various countries see in your ad setup? For instance, because Internet connections in India are sometimes quite sluggish, it may not make sense to employ video advertisements for traffic coming from that country. However, displaying video ads to traffic coming from Europe typically results in higher CPMs.

How many times can a single person see a video ad without negatively impacting their experience? You will be able to run more video advertising since certain target audiences will tolerate them quite well. Before they get irritated, other users will only put up with one daily video advertisement.

How will the layout of your advertisement alter across desktop and mobile devices? On desktop computers, users tend to be more receptive to video advertisements, but on mobile devices, they could be less so.

Are there certain periods of the day, week, month, year, etc. when video advertisements will work better? For instance, you may be able to show more video advertisements during playoff weekend if your website is mostly sports-related.

Ad stack support should not only enable you to employ all of these various functions (e.g., limiting the number of times a user may see video advertisements each week), but also to apply these functionalities to multiple contexts for the same content. Additionally, activation must to be made easier (for instance, by setting up a separate advertisement for desktop and mobile visitors on the same page).

Nevertheless, not every platform for video ads has the required features or the capacity to use several settings for the same site in various scenarios.

Snigel, on the other hand, provides cutting-edge advertising technology driven by AI that can be fully tailored to any situation.

Additionally, you will have a dedicated ad operations professional who will develop, execute, and manage an ad strategy that maximizes your ad inventory while preserving quick page loads and an excellent user experience.

Advertisement Pile in Snails

Apart from the aforementioned video ad types (e.g., in-stream, out-stream), Snigel's ad stack offers sophisticated targeting choices such as:

The ability to restrict how many player impressions each user may have. To preserve a positive user experience, the player will not load after a certain amount of impressions.

AI optimization of bidders. With this feature, bidders are matched with the top bidders for their country, device, and browser, and bids are assigned to either client-side or server-side header bidding depending on their best performance.

Variable Floor Prices. Advertisers utilize a method called bid shading to assist them estimate the lowest CPM needed to win a bid, which lowers publisher CPMs. With dynamic floor pricing, floor prices are dynamically adjusted every hour to counteract bid shedding.

Recovering Adblock revenue. When users have their ad blockers turned on, publishers often lose money. Adblock Revenue Recovery assists in reducing the issue by automatically alternating, depending on the user's preferences, between more expensive sponsored advertisements and Adblock compliant adverts.

anti-advertising, preventing and identifying bots, and more. These kinds of security measures guard against malicious software assaults that deteriorate user experience and jeopardize website integrity.

Promotional Consent. AdConsent enables you to effortlessly comply with all data privacy rules, including GDPR and CCPA, while simultaneously generating ad income from increased website visitors. It is Google approved and IAB registered.

with a ton more

The whole ad stack may be implemented, customized, and maintained by Snigel's ad tech specialists; you won't need to employ a development team or pick up any new technical skills.

Bonus: Increase Your Display Ads' CPMs

There are suppliers of video advertisements that concentrate nearly only on video ads. To optimize ad income, the majority of publishers, however, want a combination of display and video advertisements.

Additionally, Snigel supports the following capabilities and formats for next-generation display ads:

The most money may be made by adaptive advertising, which fills the ad area with any combination of ad sizes (for instance, one ad for $1.30 vs two smaller ads for $0.75 each).

Super Adhesive advertising: these advertising move around the ad unit as the user scrolls, allowing for the display of bigger ads in a smaller ad area.

Interactive ad units are meant to draw in viewers and lengthen their stay on the page.

With the help of smart refresh, new adverts may be shown in an ad space when certain action-, time-, or event-based triggers are met.

with a ton more

Snigel does not need a contract, so you may try it with as little as 5–10% of your traffic.

Get in contact for a free review to find out how we can help you maximize the value of your display and/or video ad inventory.

2. The Advertising Network via Google AdSense

Although they are most recognized for making money from display advertisements, Google AdSense also makes money from video ads. Compared to other ad exchanges or header bidding partners, AdSense has more lenient qualifying restrictions, making it one of the greatest ad networks for tiny websites.

Because they offer larger CPMs than other solutions for Tier 3 GEO, they are also a viable option for websites that get a lot of traffic from this source. AdSense may also be advantageous for websites with a click-through-rate (CTR) of 3% or greater since it allows users to pay either for each impression or for each click.

All publishers need to do is add a little piece of code to their website's header; AdSense will take care of the rest. AdSense does not provide many modification choices, therefore your options are restricted even though it is fairly simple to use.

You may read these articles to find out more:

Is Google AdSense or AdX Better for Your Website?

The Top 12 Adsense Substitutes That Can Boost Income

3. Pubmatic (Exchange for Ads)

PubMatic is a programmatic video advertising system as well as an ad exchange with a large selection of on demand partners. (They provide DSP solutions to advertisers so they may run their advertising campaigns; we are more interested in publisher solutions.) While their primary emphasis is on private marketplace (PMP) transactions, PubMatic also provides real-time bidding (RTB). Additionally, supply.

With the comprehensive analytics dashboard provided by PubMatic, you can see all private transactions, bid data in real-time, your comparison to other publishers, and much more. Pubmatic does not have a minimum traffic requirement, in contrast to other ad exchanges.

(You may use Snigel to access PubMatic as well.)

4. Mobile Ads on the Chocolate Platform

The Chocolate Platform is a server-side video ad auction platform that only offers video advertising. Although they are well-known for promoting high-quality mobile video commercials, they also back digital advertising on websites and cable television.

All over-the-top (OTT) advertising on the Chocolate platform is hosted directly amongst ad servers.

They provide pre-roll, native, rewarded, and fullscreen video ad units. The user has total control over these clickable ad pieces.

(Snigel may also be used to access the Chocolate Platform.)

5. In-app ads using AdPlayer.Pro

A white-label video ad server is part of the out-stream video monetization ecosystem called AdPlayer.Pro. They enable desktop, mobile, and AMP-specific web advertisements in addition to their specialty of mobile app video ads. A range of ad types are supported by them, such as in-banner, in-page, in-view, sticky, and rewarded video advertisements. Additionally, they provide proactive account management.

Volume-based pricing levels for AdPlayer.Pro start at 0–10 million impressions per month. A complimentary trial of their services is also available.

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