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The 14 Best Linux Distributions in 2023 for Programming

 The 14 Best Linux Distributions in 2023 for Programming

The preferred operating system for programmers and developers is often thought to be Linux. It simply makes logical that programmers and developers would pick the user interface that makes the most sense to them as programming and development often take place in a sophisticated, command-line environment.

There are several distributions available for Linux platforms, however. What distributions are the most suitable for programmers?

Person seeing computer monitor

A Linux distribution is what?

Linux is not an operating system by itself. It is a specific kind of Unix-based operating system. The operating system's "engine" is referred to as Linux. The Linux operating systems share many characteristics. The majority of developers can switch between distributions without any trouble since every command will be essentially the same. 

Different distributions have different utility packages, command-line desktop interfaces, default support for programming tools and programming languages, customer support, user experience, and release cycles. The package manager may be used to manage utilities, but it is sometimes simpler to start with a system that already has everything you need. Additionally, not all distros will work with all packages. Linux distributions, in contrast to Windows, are often designed for command-line use, which is advantageous for programming. 

Here are the best 14 Linux distributions for programmers, keeping that in mind.

Arch Linux 1.

Despite being available since 2002, Arch Linux is best suited for seasoned programmers and less so for newbies. The main benefit of Arch Linux is that its installation procedure may be highly modified. However, it is also a drawback since it is very simple to overlook something crucial if you are unfamiliar with Linux.

Arch Linux is excellent if you are a strong Linux user. You don't receive anything with Arch Linux that you don't want. It has a strong user repository and community, is lightweight, devoid of bloatware, and is simple to configure.

There are Linux distributions based on Arch Linux that are a bit simpler to use if you're not a power user, such Manjaro Linux.

CentOS 2.

CentOS offers both a GUI and a command-line interface. CentOS has many development packages, good third-party compatibility, and is very lightweight, among other benefits. 

CentOS is a perfect development machine for resource-intensive activities since it can be simplified to the bare minimum for improved performance. This is where the method that works best for you will depend on the sort of development you wish to do.

The advantages of CentOS really outweigh its disadvantages since it is so reliable that it lacks support for more recent packages, anything experimental, or anything that is "in development." Additionally difficult to learn at first and not designed for novices.

3. GNU/Linux Debian

One of the most widely used Linux distributions is Debian. It's definitely Debian if you have a Linux system at a company or school. It is simple to install as well as modify. It is strong for both experienced users and new users. It probably has the most installed packages of any system. Anything is possible for it.

But like CentOS, its reliability has a cost; since it prioritizes stability above all else, it may not always offer the newest, trendiest, or most cutting-edge tools. You won't find any paid software (like Flash) on Debian since all installed tools must be free and open-source.

One of the greatest Linux distributions overall is Debian. However, it can be a bit too heavyweight for a development setup and for programming in particular.

4. Primary OS

On Ubuntu, Elementary OS is based. It is renowned for being straightforward, easy to use, and basic. It is lightweight, quick, and has a superb, simplified user interface. Because it is such a basic operating system, Elementary OS is one of the greatest options for programmers leaving the Mac OS environment.

The benefits of the Ubuntu framework are included in Elementary OS. It is ideal for programmers who want to get right in and has a dedicated StackExchange site. Not every developer wants to completely alter their OS. The drawbacks include a long development cycle, a lack of packages, and limited user interface customization options.

5. Fedora Desktop

Fedora, sometimes referred to as Red Hat, is one of the few Linux distributions with backing from a business. Fedora is regularly updated and very secure. It has a huge community, plenty of features, and is continually being developed. It is perfect for developers that want access to best-in-class features and offers an intuitive GUI. It is usually contrasted with Ubuntu, an outdated standard.

It could be challenging to set up. It is more challenging to modify. Fedora is continuously developed, however it does not follow a rolling release schedule like systems like Arch Linux. 

Kali Linux 6.

A lot of people refer to Kali Linux as "hacker's Linux." Security experts, networking experts, and — of course — expert white hat hackers all utilize it. Applications for conducting penetration testing, war-driving, and other security-related activities are already included with Kali. But that's also one of the reasons why experienced programmers love it.

Despite this, Kali Linux is poor for general purpose work since it lacks the majority of the features and tools required for routine tasks. Because of this, Kali Linux is suitable for experienced programmers but not for newbies or developers looking for a system that can serve several purposes.

Manjaro Linux 7.

A distribution based on Arch Linux is called Manjaro Linux. Many widely used distributions are built upon other distributions, as you'll see. If you don't like it, fix it—that's the Linux way of thinking!

It is easy to use. Additionally, it has access to the Arch Linux community and repositories. It is lightweight and includes rolling updates like Arch Linux, however unlike Arch Linux, it is simpler to install and setup.

Manjaro Linux, which is based on Arch Linux, develops its reliability by delaying Arch Linux updates by a week or two. Yes, this offers steadiness. Manjaro Linux is primarily a distribution for individuals experiencing trouble installing Arch Linux, nonetheless.

openSUSE 8.

One of the most well-known Linux distributions for ease of installation, configuration, and upkeep is openSUSE. It has excellent usability. It features both a visual interface and a command-line interface. Windows and other operating systems are fairly similar to it in terms of GUI. It is well supported and documented.

One of the first Linux distributions, openSUSE has impacted many other distributions. However, what it gains in documentation and stability, it can lose in other areas. It is no longer extremely experimental or cutting-edge, and it no longer has a very active community.

9. Pop!_OS

Pop An operating system based on Ubuntu is called OS. It has many similarities to Ubuntu as an operating system, both in terms of advantages and disadvantages. 

It is firstly appealing and user-friendly. Its architecture will appeal to front-end programmers and developers. It is optimized and designed with gamers in mind. Therefore, there is an extra benefit for game producers. Even though it's just 64 bits, most people won't care.

It cannot be regarded as a lightweight installation since it is not minimalist and does include bloatware. The main problem could be that it's harder to configure than vanilla Ubuntu, while having less community support and documentation.

Puppy Linux 10.

An operating system called Puppy Linux only needs RAM to function. You can't get much lighter than that. The requirements for this mobile system are quite minimal. It is designed to function on a CD or USB, creating a portable development environment.

It makes sense that Puppy Linux programs are so specialized. However, a developer won't be able to get much better if they require a portable, light-weight machine. Puppy Linux is reliable and well-supported, yet there are some clear drawbacks. It is not and was not intended to be a fully fledged operating system. It doesn't look great, has a limited library, and excels at just one task—being portable.

Raspberry Pi OS 11.

Now for something completely different. The Raspberry Pi OS is something you should check at if you're a developer interested in devices and electronics. The Raspberry Pi OS is a very slim distribution made specifically for interacting with Raspberry Pi devices, tiny computers that can operate everything from robots to clocks.

We won't be using Raspberry Pi OS as our primary development distribution. But it's significant because of what it does. Raspberry Pi OS will eventually be required by a lot of developers.

Raspbian was the former name for Raspberry Pi OS, but this is the same answer. The Internet of Things or mobile devices are the subjects of a lot of programming nowadays. Internet of Things, robotics, and equipment developers may all benefit from using Raspbian. Over 35,000 packages are included with Raspbian, making it particularly well-supported. 

Sabayon Linux 12.

Gentoo, yet another well-liked Linux distribution, served as the foundation for Sabayon Linux's user-friendly architecture. Sabayon is designed for Linux newbies, therefore it could appeal to programmers who are switching to Sabayon. It features an excellent package management, a rolling release, and stability.

On the negative side, it's difficult to configure, unpolished, and not always reliable once you start fiddling with it. When you install certain programs, you can discover that they are corrupted. In general, Sabayon lacks Gentoo's level of support.

Solus OS 13.

Solus OS is a reliable, often updated operating system that may be utilized by anyone who seek a hassle-free system. It has strong documentation and backing. It is mainly intended for programmers and developers who desire a simple user interface, not for individuals who wish to fully customize their operating systems. 

Despite this, it is less well-supported than many other Linux distributions since it is less well-known, and the appearance of its operating system might be improved. The Solus OS projects have lost a lot of contributors, making it more of a "self-starter" in terms of users.

Ubuntu 14.

The classics are always a good choice. Since Ubuntu is one of the most established and reliable versions of Linux, it forms the foundation of many of the systems on this list. Both packages and community support for Ubuntu are readily accessible. There are three main options if you want something that is extremely well maintained and documented: Ubuntu, openSUSE, and Debian.

Although Ubuntu is an all-purpose distribution, it isn't especially useful for programmers, any more than any other Linux distribution may be. Ubuntu is a fantastic option if you want a distribution that will work well for everything. Arch Linux or Kali may be preferable if you're looking for a distribution that's excellent for programming in particular.

the best Linux distro for you to use

The Linux distribution will come down to preference, as with many other things. There are well-known and cutting-edge Linux distributions, but neither matter unless they are easy to use. 

Depending on what you're doing, what language you're programming in, and what tools you're acquainted with, the best Linux distribution will change. 


How robustly is this distribution supported?

What kind of community material is included in the distribution?

Is the distribution a fork of a version that is more popular and has greater support?

How simple is it to install and use the distribution?

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