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Tasters of food or quality inspectors! Indian Railways train pantry cabin has rats; online users react

 Tasters of food or quality inspectors! Indian Railways train pantry cabin has rats; online users react

On social media sites, Indian Railways often receives criticism for the "unhygienic" food quality. On X (previously Twitter), one such recent instance has come to light in which it is claimed that numerous mice were seen eating meals prepared for passengers in the pantry compartment.

Mumbai Matters posted on X, "Do Watch...Indian Railways has placed "Food Tasters" inside pantry cars to provide passengers clean and delectable meals and to oversee quality control. In-car pilot experiment on October 14, 2023, on the 11009 LTT Madgaon Express.

IRCTC responded to the message by stating that the issue is taken seriously and that appropriate action has been taken. 

It is taken seriously, and appropriate action has been taken. Staff members who work in the pantry vehicle have received training in maintaining cleanliness and good hygiene. The appropriate advice has been given to the parties in question to guarantee that proper rodent and pest control methods are being implemented," the Indian Railways said. 

Since they were published, internet users have criticized Indian Railways over the pantry car images. The following user stated: "It is high time accountability is fixed, heads should roll instead this will go on as chalta hai attitude, stringent punishment needs to be given to the concerned contractor & government involved for such grave lapse."

Another person said, "I truly want to see the trains run by private enterprises in the future. 

According to the third commenter, "here is how it will be handled: Official: Please investigate it and tag someone. That person: The official in question was informed of the matter. Story completed.

Does scheduled insect and rodent management take place in every coach? The fourth user stated, "Please show us the document put in the coach with the most current insect & rodent treatment dates. 

We have never been very good at keeping cleanliness or practicing good hygiene. Another commenter wrote, "I'm sure there is no time, money, or desire at any level to remove the food tasters on this train or any other train. 

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