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Over 1,100 people have died in the Israel-Hamas conflict; 260 dead were found during the Supernova Music Festival near Gaza

 Over 1,100 people have died in the Israel-Hamas conflict; 260 dead were found during the Supernova Music Festival near Gaza

News updates on the Israel-Hamas conflict: The third day of the conflict between Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel and the Gaza-based Hamas forces has begun. Over 1,100 people were killed on both sides when Israel responded to Hamas' bloodiest air, sea, and land onslaught on Israel.

Following the terror incident, Israel volunteers went door-to-door searching for victims' corpses and wounded persons when they made the startling finding that at least 260 bodies had been found at a location where a music festival was taking place.

hundreds of people attended the all-night environmental music event close to the Gaza Strip that was attacked on Saturday by Hamas terrorists stationed in Palestine. The Supernova event was held close to Kibbutz Re'im, not far from Gaza, and according to the Israeli rescue agency Zaka, hundreds of dead were found there.

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After pledging to crush the Palestinian terrorist organization whose shocking assault the country has compared to 9/11, Israel engaged in combat with Hamas members still holed up in southern cities on Monday and gathered tens of thousands of soldiers close to the Gaza Strip.

According to AFP, army troops engaged diehard Hamas gunmen for a third day in at least seven different southern localities close to the coastal enclave. "We're still fighting," said military spokesperson Richard Hecht.

He said, "We thought by yesterday we would have full control," when Israeli army reservists joined the battle to clear and evacuate southern cities and kibbutz settlements. "I hope we will by the end of the day."

A disturbing remark from a concertgoer near Gaza

The world has been horrified, according to local media sources, by a disturbing statement from a 23-year-old festival goer. After Hamas attacked an Israeli music event, the American-Israeli guy went missing.

Hersh Golberg-Polin, who was celebrating his birthday at the music festival, hasn't been seen or heard from since Saturday morning. Before going missing, he texted his parents "I love you" and "I'm sorry," according to his father's account in The Jerusalem Post.

His father, Jonathon Polin, told the publication, "We just want him home and safe. If we could tell him anything, it would be, "We love you. Arrive at our house.

As fighter planes screeched above and black smoke rose over Gaza, sirens wailed, unleashing the fury of Israel as rockets and anti-missile weapons flew through the air. As a result of the Intifada, which started as a form of resistance against apartheid but has now led to retribution on both sides, PM Netanyahu is now furious with Gaza since it continues to remain under Israeli embargo. 

Palestinians in the 2.3 million-person densely populated coastal region prepared for what many anticipated would be a large Israeli ground assault intended to dethrone Hamas and release at least 100 captives.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has urged residents of Gaza to avoid any Hamas locations, which he has pledged to "turn to rubble."

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