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Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella places a high priority on the safety of his company's 3000 workers during the Israel-Hamas conflict

 Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella places a high priority on the safety of his company's 3000 workers during the Israel-Hamas conflict

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella expressed his sorrow over the tragic terrorist strikes on Israel, where the business has almost 3,000 workers, on October 11 during the furious combat between Hamas and Israel. The CEO of Microsoft expressed his sincere sympathies to everyone affected by and affected by the conflict. He continued by saying that the safety of the workers and their families continues to be the company's first priority.

"Heartbroken by the horrific terrorist attacks on Israel and the escalating conflict," Nadella said on X. I send my sincere sympathies to everyone who was harmed or died. Our priority continues to be the protection of our workers and their families.

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In his article, Nadella also included the letter that Kathleen Hogan, executive vice president and chief human resources officer, had written to the company's workers in Israel.

Kathleen Hogan condemned the violence and intolerance, saying that "our workers' safety and the welfare of their families in Israel have been our top priorities. Our Crisis Management Team is one of several teams at Microsoft that have been activated and are assisting staff members. Our SLT is in direct communication with our employee communities and local officials in Israel to give assistance and determine the best ways to assist our staff members and their families through this awful time.

She claimed in a blog post for Microsoft that the corporation has Jewish workers worldwide who are likewise going through loss, worry, and anxiety as hate and hostility rise. She continued by stating that there are Palestinian workers working for the firm all over the world who are gravely worried about the safety of their loved ones in the area and who oppose these terrorist attacks.

She said, "We have a lot of resources available to assist.Programs for mental and emotional wellness are offered by Microsoft CARES. Furthermore, we are acting rapidly to help people affected by these unfortunate occurrences, determining their requirements, and offering advantages like the inclusion of online support groups.We'll keep listening to see if any further resources are required.

For qualified workers who want to contribute to relief efforts, Microsoft Philanthropies has activated a donating opportunity. Additionally, Microsoft's Disaster Response is collaborating with neighborhood groups to provide first responders with digital tools and services, and it will continue to do so as long as there are new requests for aid.

"Microsoft employees show great care, empathy, and allyship for each other," she said in the blog post. We appreciate you keeping us informed, listening to us, and being there for our team. Many workers in Israel have volunteered their time to assist with pressing needs in the community and have done so by using their knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, data, and research. And I want to congratulate the local leadership in Israel for working with the SLT and supporting our workers.

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