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Man discovered a ticket in a vase by mistake after forgetting to purchase it, and won $15 million

 Man discovered a ticket in a vase by mistake after forgetting to purchase it, and won $15 million

There's no telling when life will change.

Nobody can predict when someone's luck may change. Thus, one should never give up. A positive outlook on life offers you a fresh perspective. A comparable event has surfaced, and according to CBS News, the person's life has transformed.

Let us inform you that it has come to light that Khalil Soussa, a resident of Massachusetts, experienced happiness at his home. However, he was unaware of this as he had long since forgotten to purchase the ticket. He had purchased a $15 million Money Maker scratch ticket, but he had misplaced and stored it someplace.

How were the tickets obtained?

While cleaning his home, the housekeeper discovered that ticket. Mr. Soussa received the ticket from the housekeeper. His life was transformed by this ticket, as it turned out to be his $1 million lottery winning. He expressed his happiness at the win and promised to contribute money with his friend's assistance.

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