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Mahua Moitra of the TMC accuses Nishikant Dubey of the BJP of defamation after the uproar over the "cash for queries" accusation

 Mahua Moitra of the TMC accuses Nishikant Dubey of the BJP of defamation after the uproar over the "cash for queries" accusation

In the midst of the uproar over the "cash for questions" claims, TMC MP Mahua Moitra filed a defamation lawsuit against BJP leader Nishikant Dubey on Tuesday. The change occurred shortly after Dubey's complaint was sent to the Lok Sabha ethics committee. Additionally cited in the Delhi High Court suit were media outlets and attorney Jai Anant Dehadrai.

According to information provided by the Bar and Bench, Justice Sachin Datta will hear the case on Friday. After Dubey and Dehadrai accused Moitra of accepting money from businessman Darshan Hiranandani in lieu of questioning, Moitra had already issued legal notifications to them. Additionally, they had requested the creation of an investigation committee.

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