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Kerala multiple bombings suspect, citing "seditious teachings" as the reason for targeting a Jehovah's Witness prayer meeting

 Kerala multiple bombings suspect, citing "seditious teachings" as the reason for targeting a Jehovah's Witness prayer meeting

Kerala Blast: On Sunday, a number of explosions in Kerala left several people wounded and one person dead. In a video message, someone claimed responsibility for the explosion. The suspect is heard declaring that "teachings are seditious" in his video message.

A guy known as Dominic Martin claimed full responsibility for the incident and turned himself up at the Kodakara police station in the Thrissur district early the next morning, hours after the attack sent shockwaves throughout the country.

Dominic claimed to be a Jenovah's Witness, having joined because he thought the organization's doctrines were seditious. Television outlets carried his video message all day long. 

Regarding his accusations, nobody from the Jenovah's Witnesses organization has responded as of yet. Dominic was not, however, acknowledged as a member of the religious organization by someone posing as one, according to PTI. 

Why did the suspect specifically target JWs?

Dominic emphasized in his video message that everyone needs to be aware of the bombing and the motivation behind the act. He wanted to explain to people in his video why he made the choice, which he describes as "well thought out."

In the now-deleted video from the social networking site, he said, "I am taking full responsibility for the explosions that happened there, even though I am not exactly sure what happened." 

He consented to spend 16 years as a member of the Christian organization Jehovah's Witnesses. 

Dominic, who said he had been a member of the organization for sixteen years, admitted that he had not given the group's doctrine much thought at first but had eventually come to the conclusion that they were a bad organisation.

I followed them at the time as a joke and did not take them seriously. He said that the group, which had its roots in the United States of America in the 19th century, was "not a good organization and their teachings were seditious," having discovered this roughly six years ago.

Additionally, he said that despite his repeated attempts to alter the organization's doctrines, nothing changed.  The guy said, "I made this decision because I had no other choice."

"You Jehovah's Witnesses have the wrong ideology," the suspect claims.

The suspect described the group's philosophy as destructive for the nation and rejected it in his video message.

"However, their philosophy is flawed. Jehovah's Witnesses: your worldview is incorrect. You show no respect or assistance to anybody. Except for yourself, you want everyone to be annihilated. That's your philosophy," he said.

He ended his video message by saying, "I am going to surrender before the police and there is no need to come in search of me."

45 people were hurt and one lady died as a result of the explosion. The explosion was caused by an IED, the authorities had previously said.

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