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Kerala Blast: Chief Minister Vijayan calls it "very unfortunate" and calls for senior authorities

 Kerala Blast: Chief Minister Vijayan calls it "very unfortunate" and calls for senior authorities

The chief minister of Kerala, Pinarayi Vijayan, described the many explosions that occurred in the Kalamassery neighborhood of Kochi as "unfortunate," noting that senior authorities are already in Ernakulam gathering information about the event.

On October 29, Vijayan remarked in an interview with ANI, "It's a very unfortunate incident." We are gathering information on the occurrence. At Ernakulam are all of the senior authorities. DGP is approaching the location. We are giving it our full attention. DGP and I have talked. We need further information after the inquiry."

What took place?

Several explosions occurred at a Jehovah's Witness prayer service in the Kalamassery neighborhood of Kochi, Kerala, this morning, resulting in one fatality and more than twenty injuries, according to the police.

According to sources, Home Minister Amit Shah talked with Kerala Chief Minister Vijayan. In addition, the Home Ministry has sent teams from the National Security Guard (NSG) and the National Investigative Agency (NIA) to the scene right once in order to begin their investigations.

Quick Responses

The bomb location has been sealed off, and police and fire rescue have been called into action, according to State Industries Minister P Rajeev. In the wake of the explosion, Kerala Health Minister Veena George has asked government healthcare workers to report for job.

Shashi Tharoor, a Congress politician and native of Kerala, too expressed his disbelief on X, the previous Twitter platform. "Saddened and appalled to learn of a bombing at a religious assembly in Kerala." I urge immediate police action and categorically denounce it. But that is insufficient. It is heartbreaking to see my state succumbing to a murderous and destructive mindset. I implore religious leaders everywhere to band together in denouncing such savagery and educating their people that violence only leads to greater bloodshed," the writer added. 

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