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This Madhubani guy can control snakes in a flash without a chant or any training

This Madhubani guy can control snakes in a flash without a chant or any training

Sarpamitra: This job has been done by Munna for approximately five years. The unique aspect is that he was never taught how to do this task. He claims that he picked up this skill on the spot. He also had no issues over those five years.

Madhubani. After spotting snakes nearby, people frequently experience swelling in their hands and feet. However, there are certain persons who can quickly capture dangerous snakes. resident of Madhubani district's Harhi hamlet. Such a person is Munna as well. For the past five years, Munna has been a snake catcher. They have so far caught 1,000 snakes. Munna is renowned across the region for collecting snakes.

In several locations around Madhubani, Munna claims to have spotted and captured odd snakes. Some of them are unknown to him even by name. According to Munna, he typically catches snakes from within the home. if it is a harmless snake or a snake that is venomous. Snakes frequently wander through the homes in this area. Munna is skilled in capturing any type of poisonous snake.

Snake-catching for five years

This work has been done by Mo. Munna for approximately five years. The unique aspect is that he was never taught how to do this task. He claims that he picked up this skill on the spot. He also had no issues over those five years. They assist others. Despite this, many cheerfully donate 100:50. Anywhere in the district where they receive a call, they go there. Snakes are captured and then released in the wild. If something similar is observed in your region as well, Mo. The cellphone number to reach Munna is 8539808199.

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