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The individual travelled 3000 years into the future, saw a terrifying image, and was informed that a serious threat was approaching

 The individual travelled 3000 years into the future, saw a terrifying image, and was informed that a serious threat was approaching

Time Traveller Claims: This time, the self-described time traveller used a photograph to illustrate his argument and demonstrate how disaster looms over the planet.

Everyone is interested in the future. This explains why there have been teachings about this topic for so long that predict future occurrences. Some people assert that they possess supernatural abilities, while others use calculations to reveal what is concealed in man's future. Sometimes this fact proves to be accurate as well, other times it is illogical. Time travellers are now one of the One of those persons who currently claims to be able to travel across time is the time traveller.

One of these individuals has shown an image to the globe in 3000 years. The claims of time travel made by man up to this point have only been verbal, but a picture of the future held in the hand has been revealed, delighting the public. This Edward claims to have lived till the year 5000 and is explaining how much has changed since then.

Until the year 5000, this will be the state of the globe!

The individual claims, citing a story in Mirror, to have lived until the year 5000. He arrived here in the year 2004 thanks to an undiscovered time travel experiment. He displayed an image of the current American city of Los Angeles as evidence for his argument. In this metropolis, water is present everywhere. According to the speaker, this will occur as a result of climate change and global warming. According to Edward, this city was underwater when he arrived in the year 5000. He took this photo while working here in a lab.

endangerment to humans

The storyteller went on to say that he observed a peculiar image when he arrived in the year 3000. Everything was on a wooden platform and was built entirely of wood, including the houses, buildings, and automobiles. He learned from others in attendance that the city as a whole was submerged as a result of the flood brought on by global warming. Many cities will inevitably submerge if global warming keeps getting worse. Let us inform you that despite all the recent allegations of time travel, NASA has said unequivocally that man cannot travel across time.

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