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The death of an Italian cheesemaker who was crushed by 25,000 cheese wheels

 The death of an Italian cheesemaker who was crushed by 25,000 cheese wheels

A 74-year-old Italian man was crushed under thousands of cheese wheels and died as a result.

According to firefighter Antonio Dusi from Bergamo, Giacomo Chiapparini, the owner of a cheese business, was buried under the cheeses when a shelf in his warehouse in the northern Lombardylocation on Sunday, setting off a cascading collapse of thousands of wheels.

Officials reported that the shelves and cheeses had to be physically lifted and that it had taken them close to 12 hours to find Mr. Chiapparini's body.

According to CNN, his family, who both reside and work at the cheese factory, were able to identify him. On Thursday, there will be his funeral.

There were 25,000 wheels of Grana Padano, a hard cheese that is highly well-liked in Italy and is produced in the little town of Romano di Lombardia close to Bergamo.

The topmost metal shelf, at 10 metres (33 feet), was being used to house the ripening wheels, which Mr. Chiapparini was inspecting.

Al Jazeera stated that the factory produces about 50 Grana Padano wheels every day, or more than 15,000 wheels annually.

It is unknown how the initial metal shelf fell, despite the likelihood that a mechanical issue or material wear and tear caused the catastrophe.

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