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Sawan Somwar 2023: Today, about 2 lakh devotees will arrive in Babadham; all bus stations are crowded; the administration is in full bloom

Sawan Somwar 2023: Today, about 2 lakh devotees will arrive in Babadham; all bus stations are crowded; the administration is in full bloom

Hindi News from Jharkhand Sawan 2023 The seventh Monday of the month of Sawan on August 21 is today. On this unique occasion, a record number of kanwariyas are anticipated to swarm Baba Vaidyanath's court. Two lakh kanwariyas are anticipated to arrive at Babadham. The executive branch is ready for this in every way. The announcement of the arrival of all the devotees has the business owners and the priestly class in a very good mood.

Deoghar. Jharkhand News in Hindi in Sawan 2023 On Shravan Monday, a record number of kanwariyas are anticipated to congregate in the city. Two lakh kanwariyas are anticipated to arrive at Babadham. The administration is struggling with air after the funkasi during Malmas, when once more the businesspeople, shopkeepers, and priests are quite delighted.

Administration is ready to manage crowds

The government is completely prepared to give the Kanwariyas a calm and easily accessible darshan. Deputy Commissioner Vishal Sagar and SP Ajit Peter Dungdung examined the fair area in relation to this. gave the office holders the required instructions on crowd management.

On Saturday night, the SP met with the office holders and had a lengthy conversation on the fair's preparations. A specific talk about how to get ready for Monday took place during this.

On alert, both of the two qrt teams

The SP provided guidance on how to manage the backlog and quickly build it up. Additionally, it was requested that as many kanwariyas as possible donate water within the temple in the shortest amount of time. It was also advised to concentrate on removing the kanwariyas from the temple grounds as quickly as possible after worshipping them.

All QRTs were instructed by SP to be on alert. It should be noted that 22 QRT teams were established on Monday to regulate crowds and facilitate water distribution. The conference was mostly attended by SP Ajit Peter Dungdung, DSP Mangal Singh Jamuda, Alok Ranjan, SDPO Dhirendra Narayan Banka, Vinod Ravani, etc.

Every bus stop is occupied

Three large bus stops have been constructed to stem the flow of cars entering the fair from the outside. However, up until Saturday night, every bus stop was nearly filled. The administration has begun to perspire as a result of seeing this. There are constantly arriving trains. There are several additional parked cars in addition to the bus stop.

people's faces with a grin in return

To put it simply, the Shravani fair this time lasted for two months, yet after just 15 days of opening, the local businesspeople, shop owners, and priestly elite had been let down by the quantity of kanwariyas during Malmas. However, as the number of kanwariyas grew over the past 15 days, the people's smiles started to return.

Everyone is quite happy with the rise in kanwariyas on Monday. The stores along Kanwariya Path are now once more shining. People are optimistic that the number of Kanwariyas will remain this high for the foreseeable future. Businessmen who are totally reliant on fairness rather than profit are concerned about recovering their cash.

Raunak headed back to the Kanwariya trail

The Kanwariyan Path now shines brightly once more. Since Saturday itself, the number of kanwariyas has been growing along the Kanwariya Path. On Sunday, a procession of kanwariyas could be seen moving down the Kanwariya Path once more.

On Sunday, the sun was intense, and the muggy humidity was also trying the Kanwaris' patience. However, the kanwariyas who were walking with the intention of seeing Baba Bhole unaffected by the weather's indifference.

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