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Navjot Kaur Sidhu issued a health update after his wife, Navjot Singh Sidhu, underwent a cancer procedure

 Navjot Kaur Sidhu issued a health update after his wife, Navjot Singh Sidhu, underwent a cancer procedure

Navjot Singh Sidhu, a leader in the Punjab Congress, tweeted about his wife Dr. Navjot Kaur Sidhu's health. His left breast has stage 2 carcinoma malignancy.

In the present, Sidhu and his wife frequently exchange photographs. This time, he posted an emotional picture of himself feeding his wife by hand.

Sidhu stated in the article that although the physical wounds have healed, the psychological scars left by this challenging exam will never fully go.

Sidhu further said that the fifth round of chemotherapy was ongoing. After considerable fruitless searching for a healthy vein, Dr. Rupinder's experience was helpful.

My wife wouldn't shake her hand, so I fed her with a spoon, Sidhu said.

After the final chemotherapy, according to Navjot, the moment has come to take the senior wife to Manali.

Sidhu and his wife have been sharing a lot of images lately. He's travelling to several places of worship.

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