Jharkhand: Pandey gang's shooting of youngster in broad daylight shakes Hazaribagh, causing a commotion

 Jharkhand: Pandey gang's shooting of youngster in broad daylight shakes Hazaribagh, causing a commotion

On Saturday, a rapid-firing event occurred in Jharkhand in broad daylight in the heavily populated neighbourhood of Hazaribagh city. A gunman from the Pandey gang pursued Rajesh Ram, a young man from Badam, Barkagaon, for around 200 yards while waving a gun and fired. He shot eight times throughout this, but the young man narrowly avoided being hit by the bullet by happenstance.

Hazaribagh: On Saturday in Jharkhand, a rapid-firing event occurred in the heavily populated part of the city of Hazaribagh in broad daylight.

A gunman from the Pandey gang pursued Rajesh Ram, a young man from Badam, Barkagaon, for around 200 yards while waving a gun and fired.

He shot eight times throughout this, but the young man narrowly avoided being hit by the bullet by happenstance. As soon as the firefight ended, the gunman and one of his companions rode off on a bike.

This event is being related to the city's Pandey gang's activism and terror. In Ramgarh, Patratu, Giddi, Urimari, and Barkagaon, this gang is active.

Following the tragedy, fear spread

However, following this tragedy, Hazaribagh is experiencing a panicked environment. In this instance, Rajesh is being questioned by the police after being brought into custody.Rajesh has reportedly admitted to the police that the Pandey gang shooter intends to kill him.

Currently, it looks to be a case of mutual quarrel between the offenders, according to Hazaribagh SP Manoj Ratan, who has been involved in this entire drama for the fourth time. The reason the gunman intended to murder Rajesh is being looked into.

Witnesses report that the event happened about 3:00 pm. Rajesh continued to run and hide from the shooter's bullets from Mission Hospital to Vinod Steel Road, a distance of around 200 metres.

what is the complete narrative

The city's medical store next to Imli Kothi Chowk is where the event began. Rajesh was being shot as he was targeted to get medication. The shot, though, went wide.

Rajesh then began to flee while yelling "Save!" while the gunman continued to fire at him in this manner. Rajesh hid in the cement store during this time.

The perpetrator entered the store at this point and fired on the shopkeeper who was in front of him before the shopkeeper could comprehend anything. He also lived by luck.

He then raced away on foot as soon as he realised the bullet had passed. Witnesses claim that the shopkeeper would have died in Rajesh's affair if the bullet had not stopped.

Rajesh has a history of offences

Rajesh has a criminal history and has served time in prison for violating the Arms Act in the past. The police are investigating the motives behind the murder attempt on his life.

The Pandey gang's mutual conflict is one of the possible explanations the authorities are looking into. This act brought to mind the 2016 incident at Sardar Chowk where the Srivastava Gang opened fire on Lakhan Sav in broad daylight.

shooting victim being stoned

Following the shooting, a mob of people gathered, and at this time, they unsuccessfully attempted to apprehend the fleeing gunman by throwing stones at them. He got away.

The shooter's friend was standing some distance away from the scene with a bike. He got on it and made his getaway. Earlier, the shopkeeper beat Rajesh with a stick because he thought of him as a criminal in the store where he sought to flee for his life. given to the police afterwards.

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