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IMD Alert: Alteration in weather patterns! Two days of intense rain fell in these places, prompting a warning from the meteorological department

 IMD Alert: Alteration in weather patterns! Two days of intense rain fell in these places, prompting a warning from the meteorological department

Weather Predictions: Information on the weather predictions for various regions of the nation has been provided by the Meteorological Department (IMD). Heavy rain is expected in Uttarakhand today and tomorrow, according to IMD. In Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Sikkim, and Sub-Himalayan West Bengal, there is a probability of significant rainfall.

The Meteorological Department (IMD) in New Delhi has provided information regarding the weather forecast for various regions of the nation. Heavy rain is expected in Uttarakhand today and tomorrow, according to IMD. In Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Sikkim, and Sub-Himalayan West Bengal, there is a probability of significant rainfall.

Expected to lightly rain throughout the next four days

For the following four days, Northeast India may have mild rain, according to the meteorological department. On the other side, East and Central India may get more rain beginning on August 16. On August 15 and 16, there is a probability of rain in Odisha.

On the other side, Jharkhand may have rain on August 16. In certain areas of Bihar, it will rain heavily today. Similar to this, the Meteorological Department has indicated that rain is possible in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands from August 14 to August 16.

Delhi might see some precipitation as well

The Meteorological Department predicts that Delhi may have very light rain and thunder on Monday and Tuesday. Monday is projected to have overcast skies in the city, with a maximum temperature of around 34 degrees Celsius and a low temperature of probably around 27 degrees Celsius, according to the Meteorological Office. The agency reports that Monday may see a few spots with very little rain.

On Tuesday, a little rain is predicted

On Tuesday, Independence Day, the department has predicted very light rain or thundershowers for Delhi in the evening. On the other side, Sunday's high in Delhi was 35.3 degrees Celsius, which is one degree more than average. The lowest temperature was measured at 26.9 degrees Celsius at the same time. The day was mostly cloudy and humid, with air humidity readings ranging from 57 to 74 percent.

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