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IIM Course: Your life would be wonderful if you get an MBA here while working. This is how you will enrol, so be aware of the specifics

 IIM Course: Your life would be wonderful if you get an MBA here while working. This is how you will enrol, so be aware of the specifics

IIM Course: Following graduation, it's common for people to pursue an MBA. Studying an MBA has only one goal in mind: to be placed in a position with a competitive wage. IIM institutions are frequently cited as the top option for this. But one needs to pass the CAT exam to do this. Admission here is seen as being impossible without this. However, we're going to talk about a course here that allows working folks to enrol even without it. Tell us more about it in depth.

Most individuals prefer to study management after graduation, according to the IIM course. But they want to attend a school like that, where employment are simple to come by. It is only feasible to do this after graduating from an IIM college. Youth must pass the CAT test in order to enrol at IIM College. It is said to be tough to acquire entrance here without this. However, there is no need to release the tension. We'll inform you about a programme at IIM where you may enrol even if you don't have a CAT score.

The Executive MBA and Executive MBA in Digital Transformation and Analytics are two cutting-edge programmes that the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sirmaur has just introduced. 

The goal of the two-year hybrid EMBA programmes is to give executives opportunity to "develop a strategic view on company. will aid those in positions of leadership in developing their cross-functional efficiency and strengthening their management and decision-making abilities.

You must meet this requirement to be admitted

Candidates should have at least three years of regular experience and a graduate degree with at least a 50% grade point average (CGPA) or an equivalent. "The programme is a path for professionals to apply business analytical and contemporary practises to build exceptional efficiencies and achieve sustainable growth," stated Prafulla Y. Agnihotri, director of IIM Sirmaur.

Working professionals will have the chance to further their education through these executive courses without changing professions.

The classes will cover these topics

The lectures will be delivered through talks, case studies, group projects, term papers, role plays, seminar presentations, assignments, management games, simulations, and other means. Participants in the executive MBA programme will be able to specialise in operations and marketing. Budget, plan, human resources, etc. 

Candidates for the Executive MBA in Digital Transformation and Analytics will be prepared to use data and cutting-edge technology to promote sustainable growth within their organisations.

also have the opportunity to visit the campus

On the cutting-edge Interactive Learning (IL) platform, the programme will be delivered. Additionally, it includes two trips for on-campus modules, allowing students to meet with teachers and business leaders while also gaining real-world experience.

The institute states that individuals with five to ten years of experience who are in medium to senior level management, business owners, and aspirants to the C-suite should choose an executive MBA. The Executive MBA in Digital Transformation and Analytics is useful for professionals who work in technology teams, start-ups, technical leadership, or as professional technical advisers.

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