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Elon Musk will auction off items from Twitter's headquarters after rebranding to X

 Elon Musk will auction off items from Twitter's headquarters after rebranding to X

Among the 584 items listed for sale are a wooden Twitter bird table, huge bird cages, paintings, and historic signs from around Twitter's facilities in California.

Less than a month after shocking the tech industry by revealing the company's renaming, billionaire Elon Musk is scheduled to auction the things at Twitter's San Francisco offices, according to a story in The Guardian. The auction is anticipated to include a variety of items, including office accessories and old signage, all of which offer a nostalgic glimpse into the company's past. The opening price is $25 for each item, and the auction will run from September 12 through September 14.

According to a story from The Guardian, among the 584 items put up for sale were a wooden Twitter bird table, enormous bird cages, paintings, and historic signs from around Twitter's facilities in California. The sale, titled 'Twitter Rebranding: Online the Auction Equipped with Memorabilia, Art, Office Financial assets & More!' also includes oil paintings of Ellen De Gener's selfie at the 2014 Oscars and former US President Barack Obama's photo after winning another term in 2012. Both images went viral on the social media platform.

The distinctive bird emblem, which is still present at the corporate offices, is now for sale. "Large Twitter Bird Logo Fascia Sign located on 10th St.- Bird is still installed on side of building," reads the product description on Heritage Global Partners' website. "Buyer is responsible for hiring an SF Licenced Company with appropriate Permits." Paintings of birds, keyboards, refrigerators, and lockers are among the other items up for sale.

However, Mr. Musk has already auctioned off things from the company's headquarters. The business launched a 27-hour online auction in January that was also managed by Heritage Global Partners.

The 631 pieces of "surplus corporate office assets" sold at that auction varied from the commonplace, such industrial-scale cookware and standard office supplies like desks and whiteboards, to the unusual, including eccentric signage and more than 100 boxes of KN95 masks. a selection of high-end seats, coffee

The auction also included the sale of equipment, iMacs, and stationary bike charging stations. It's interesting to note that a statue of a Twitter bird sold at auction for $100,000.

Despite the fact that the action was perceived as a way to improve the company's dire financial state, the sale's organisers insisted that this was not its primary goal. According to a Heritage Global Partners official, the "auction has nothing to do with their financial position," according to Fortune magazine.

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